THEO SALVUCCI, channel of the Christ Light, has written his first newsletter. I have received channelings from Theo and been moved to a whole new awareness of myself and the worlds within and around me. Enjoy this newsletter if it draws you. - Kim
www.theosalvucci.com is where you can find out more about Theo if you are called.
> Dear folks, this newsletter is an attempt to keep anyone who will listen as informed as possible about the critical events which will soon take place upon the earth. As you might know, while it impossible to predict with total accuracy what those events specifically will be, it is important to relate, at least in a general fashion, what is surely about to occur. The resources which you have depended upon for so many years are betraying you. Witness the recent failure of two corporations in the investment and insurance businesses. The news media has not prepared the public at all for their collapse. Instead, it transmitted propaganda which depicted the economy and these companies as being very robust. Do not think that those corporations which run the media will have a collective epiphany as a result of this or any other disaster in the future, and so begin to tell people the truth. Their deep investment in the current economy and political power structure is much too important to risk acting with integrity. Increasingly, we will all have to depend upon our own Divinity, our rootedness in the earth, and those in Spirit willing and able to communicate, in order to manage in these times of turmoil. I hope and trust that this newsletter will be not only a vehicle for greater awareness, but also suffice as a guide through this time of the beginning of the end. To that purpose, I would be delighted to have my newsletter distributed as widely as possible. If you have any friends who might be interested in this newsletter, please forward it to them, or refer them to my website, where they can submit a contact form enabling me to send it to them directly. I will not ask for donations, although I will soon offer channeled books for sale.
> The format of the newsletter will parallel that of my channeled sessions. My principle guide, whose etheric name is Lenonda, will begin, followed by at least one other entity, who will expand upon, or add to the subject matter which she has presented. Rest assured that she and all the entities I channel will be of the Christ Light and they will say so. Do not be surprised at who might appear. For a detailed description of channeling, go to my website at theosalvucci.com. Specifically, the means I use to create the newsletter is to record it first, then transcribe what I have channeled, cleaning up the syntax and grammar wherever appropriate.
> So, the explanation having been accomplished, it does not bear repeating in the future. I would now like to introduce Lenonda who is an entity known as the orange ray. She will begin my first and all subsequent newsletters.
> Thank you very much and God bless you.
> This is Lenonda. We are of the Christ Light.
> We begin this newsletter at a very critical time - the beginning of the end time. You are at the beginning of end time. When you refrain from thinking that the world is changing substantially, qualitatively, not just as a ordinary result of human activity and events, then you do yourself a disservice. The nature of this planet's history itself is changing. You are moving towards a future in which this planet will be unimaginably different. Someday, there will be little or nothing left here of the anguish and horror experienced in the thousands of years preceding. Only small remnants of that history will remain, and they will not be able to fully take shape. These are truly wonderful times, when there will be many miraculous events. Remember who you are. Remember where you are. It will be a great and beautiful era, and you will not regret that you are now alive. But be prepared. There is going to be a lot of trouble all around you, although your lives, my friends, will not be so difficult. They will be interesting and exciting, instead. We ask you first, to make certain that you are keeping in love, and then to extend a hand to help those around you.
> In the coming months, you are going to see many changes beginning on the economic level. As we have predicted, there are serious problems in the stock market. Those companies now seen to be in trouble are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many such companies which are floundering, yet have made themselves seem far healthier than they truly are, and so basically have taken advantage of the gullibility of their stockholders. We say to you now that no amount of money pumped into the economy by the federal government will be able to alter its basic nature, which is doomed by greed. This is not because of the idiocy of a few people, although the current administration is quite idiotic and arrogant. No, it is because those forces, which we now tell you have been at work behind the scenes in this economy, have finally produced the proper effect. These forces are bringing this economy down. My friends, none of you have flourished in this recent economy. You have been at pains to make ends meet. You have struggled very hard to accomplish those goals which you know are of the Light. All this is going to be transformed. Those who have been hoarding money, who have been circulating money only within their own small, privileged group, will be disempowered. Oddly enough, the result will be that, while the overall economy goes downhill, you will start to flourish, as you should, once more. We say this with absolute confidence.
> We wish to describe the sequence of events for the earth changes as we have outlined in previous sessions. Forgive us if you are already familiar with what we are about to say. First, will come economic turmoil, then social and political turmoil. Next, the military will try to step in and bring order, or a better way of saying it would be that the military will step in and try to exploit the few remaining resources in vulnerable countries. Next, you will see outbreaks of disease and pandemics. All during this time, the weather will become more dramatic and unpredictable, and climatic events will be more severe and extreme. Later, a series of volcanos will erupt. All of this will come to a peak more or less by 12/12/2012.
> So that is the sequence of events in these very important times. Even as the pressure of these events builds, at a certain point, there will be a break. It will seem rather like being in the eye of a storm. However, it will be not a break in the storm, but a breach in time. Time itself will snap and there will be a 'time' of timelessness. Once this happens, the big shift will occur and the nature of all these events, which you might call negative, will begin to shift. You will see a great change in how events take shape, in the way they effect you and everyone else. From then on, there will be a slow progress into the aquarian age.
> This month we ask you to center yourself in the idea that you have asked for these for all these changes to take place. You may look at them and think, 'They are so negative, so disastrous, how can I be responsible for them?' Yet, we are not telling you that you are directly responsible for them, but that you have been contributing to them. In the center of your being, you are tired - tired of grubbing for money, of having your voice unheard, of being unable to live in peace with others, of finding the path to compassion most difficult. So what is happening is a result of what can safely be called the energy of critical mass. First, before there is significant change, and a new structure is put into place the world, and before everyone's existence grows more in the Light, there will be a period of apparent chaos on all fronts. It might sound idealistic to talk about a new structure to existence, but remember, we are also telling you that horrible events will occur, although, eventually they will yield to an enlightened image of the world. Those of the Light will soon be able to effect positive change.
> In the month of October, you will see a few other businesses reveal themselves to be in deep trouble and to have been covering up that fact. A few people on the inside will reveal that information. In regards to the election in the US, we are hoping that Obama will win, and we put forth that hope. We believe he has much more support than has been revealed in the media. McCain is not in the least bit a true independent. He is far more beholding to the powers that be than Obama. Although Obama is not pure, he is certainly less obligated to the powerful - the large corporations and the power brokers behind the scene - than McCain, and that is all the difference. We cannot tell you for whom to vote, but we would like to put that in. We believe that, if Obama wins the election, it will go a lot easier for the economy especially, and the country in general. But we have said all along that no one can stop the coming events. The U.S. will no longer be the powerful bully it has been for the last century. Its time has expired. Eventually, it will be broken up into five different nations. We are sorry if this scares or offends you, but this is the truth.
> So this month, please center yourself. Understand that you will soon experience a period in which there will be a lot of chaos. It is coming very shortly. Do not allow yourself to fret about the upcoming economic crisis. In fact, this will be a boon to you. You have not been successful in this economy. You have not derived money from investments in the stock market, at least, none of you whom we address. This recent debacle is quite a good sign for you.
> We would like to leave you with this message: it is most important to understand that, and when you go through something difficult, as you all have during your lives, when you are willing to work on and solve your problems and to continue in love, it opens up your heart center. Your heart is opened through activity. Soon, you will not be so frustrated, because you will be able to share with others in a far more substantial way than ever. Also, you will be able to communicate with others no matter what is going on. The avenues of communication will always be open, as for instance, this one. E-mail will not be a private means of communication, but it will always be available. We will make it so, but remember to reserve private dialogue for personal letters.
> Please, be careful how you judge yourself. You are beings of love and you will act in love. We acknowledge this and we have confidence in you. God bless you and have a good evening. We will return to you once more.
> This is Archangel Raphael and we would just like to add a few thoughts to this first newsletter. You are going to change, but not in relationship to the inner world, with which you have been becoming acquainted. Now that the changes have begun, these inner accomplishments will be brought to benefit you and everyone you touch. Remember, the basic lesson of the heart is that it cannot distinguish between giving and receiving. More and more in your life, you will be able to put this truth into practice.
> We would like you to appreciate that the hammer is being dropped. The economy which everyone is so certain is as solid as a rock, is actually a house of cards. It is coming down. We are dropping our hammer. When God ordains that change take place, it happen without doubt. The stroke of the hammer will be forceful and complete. No one will doubt its occurrence. But, be careful of the way in which you describe these changes to yourself. If the news media casts blame on one segment of society or another, or very cleverly, in order to avoid presenting its disempowering ideas overtly, says that everyone is to blame, understand instead, that God alone is bringing these changes about. No one else is truly responsible. Do not pass judgement on others. Even if you perceive that there are idiots in this administration, do not judge others. Ultimately, they are only being used to effect change. This change is coming directly from God, on behalf of the earth.
All these major changes are happening because the earth has asked for change. So please, do not pass judgement on others. Pretty soon you will not be able to recognize who is of the Light and who is of the dark, although there certainly will be people mostly of the Light and people mostly of the dark. Your ability to distinguish between the two will greatly be hampered by the chaos that is about to take place. But after all, it was never your job to tell who the players were on either side, or to conceive of the scope of these events. So, be careful how you treat others. You have no idea now and will never know just who they are.
> The object of love is love itself. The methods of love are infinite. Remember that, in love, one always has an alternative. In the next newsletter, we will talk about impending change and, hopefully, we will give you words of encouragement that will help you through these coming events.
> We are of the Christ Light. God bless you.
Love all the info coming out now, like 1000 Paul Reveres and Israel Bissels riding with the wonderful message of look up for your redemption draws near, in spite of a bit of transitional turbulance that can be cosmically reduced to turbulance on a regular flight.
"So that is the sequence of events in these very important times. Even
as the pressure of these events builds, at a certain point, there will
be a break. It will seem rather like being in the eye of a storm.
However, it will be not a break in the storm, but a breach in time.
Time itself will snap and there will be a 'time' of timelessness (this resonates like a bonfire in me, as if it were happening the moment I read it, which is literally correct since all things are actually happening simultaneously). Once
this happens, the big shift will occur and the nature of all these
events, which you might call negative, will begin to shift. You will
see a great change in how events take shape, in the way they effect you
and everyone else. From then on, there will be a slow progress into the
aquarian age"
"We would like to leave you with this message: it is most important to
understand that, and when you go through something difficult, as you
all have during your lives, when you are willing to work on and solve
your problems and to continue in love, it opens up your heart center.
Your heart is opened through activity"
"Soon, you will not be so frustrated, because you will be able to share with others in a far more substantial way than ever"
"Please, be careful how you judge yourself. You are beings of love and you will act in love"
"Now that the changes have begun, these inner accomplishments will be
brought to benefit you and everyone you touch. Remember, the basic
lesson of the heart is that it cannot distinguish between giving and
receiving. More and more in your life, you will be able to put this
truth into practice"
"Do not pass judgement on others. Even if you perceive that there are
idiots in this administration, do not judge others. Ultimately, they
are only being used to effect change. This change is coming directly
from God, on behalf of the earth"
"All these major changes are happening because the earth has asked for change"
"But after all, it was never your job to tell who the players were on
either side, or to conceive of the scope of these events. So, be
careful how you treat others. You have no idea now and will never know
just who they are"
For the thing we transcend is not the evil we think we see, but the entrenched perception/judgment of evil itself, for we are Love and Light and God is One, and will be stuck in the coma of our choosing until we return to who and what we really are. If I am repulsed by the thought of genuinely hugging Bush and/or Cheney with Love and Light than I have work to do...
"The object of love is love itself. The methods of love are infinite"
All of this message blends well with many other affirming sources, including The Law of One Ra channeling sessions.
Love/Light, Chris
P.S. I found it quite intriguing that Lenonda "is an entity known as the orange ray". Ra told Don and Carla in 1981 that the people of this planet are stuck in orange ray during this time when the earth is moving into green ray heart chakra. I wonder if Lenonda being an orange ray entity has anything to do with being the perfect ambassador to a social memory complex stuck in orange ray and needing to begin to recognize that the earth they live on is awakening to its own progress toward green ray 4th density heart chakra Golden Age of Love, Light, Harmony and Compassion on steriods???
Any thoughts on orange ray??
Hey Chris!! I, too, thought of Lenonda being orange because we could hear her/them better that way, translate their messages through our current human condition.. . . you know what the say about great minds!
Love the "Hugging Bush and Cheney" image. Why the heaven not??
Hope you are doing wonderfully Chris.
All Highest Blessings, to you and all TT members!
Love that visceral sense one gets from the Bush/Cheney hugging Love mugging.
Sorta like grasshopper taking the pebble from the master's hand before being ready to leave the compound, if ya knows whatta mean.
I am still disgusted when I see either one of them, or a myriad of others like them, but at least I now understand the lesson that lies before me. This lesson is so important as we approach 4th density and has everything to do with why harmony will be 1000 times stronger than any harmony we have been privy to in 3rd density.
It is part and parcel to the gateway of our ascension - Bush and Cheney, regardless of what any may think of them, are as much a part of an One Infinite Holy Creator defined by complete Unity, as any of us are. Hard lesson to learn, but a virtual must!!!! The Archangel's message at the end of your forum post said it very well....
Love/Light, Chris
In fact, Theo, the channeler, identifies my energy very closely with Archangel Gabriel. So, you're RIGHT ON!
All best blessings,
I just received this latest channeled message concerning the intent of the Galactic Federation of Light and October 14th from Doris (Peacemkr). I will place it here and on Shaun's forum that relates more specifically to October 14th. Watch and enjoy and keep looking up, literally!!!!! We really do have friends in very high places....
Love/Light, Chris
I was going to just let this be a private correspondence to address something you were relating to over in Dave's forum, but it is too good to not post here:
On your latest post on Dave's new forum you made reference to our
alluding to all the 3rd density to 4th density changes that are already
in progress and are actually changes you are already more prepared for
than you may know or believe! Anyone who glows green and gold when
they're happy is so far ahead of most, LOL. You have no idea how "in
tune" that is with where our planet Gaia is right now!!! I am writing an email
to you to give you the link to the introduction forum for the Law of One
material that Berry and I set up some weeks ago. Included in the
initial forum post is an attachment for the PDF of book one. You will
also notice instructions for scrolling down until you find the post that
includes attachments of all the other 4 books of the Law of One series
Ra sessions from 1981. Although there is much info out there that leads
one to understand the same thing Ra was/is communicating in 1981 it
remains the most erudite and exhaustive source I have ever come across
that explains how things really work, from density one, earth, water,
fire, to density two, lesser lifeforms of flora and fauna, and then
density three where life forms finally begin to become self aware, and
then on to densities 4,5,6,7, and then an amazing ascension to the next
octave that Ra could not even describe because Ra is 6th density. The
earth is almost all the way already moved into 4th density, for it is on
a time schedule that has as much to do with pure math as it does with
some wonderful blissful notion of the spiritual evolution of Creation.
Gaia is an entity, much like you and me, just different physical
properties. We on earth should already be well into 4th density green
ray heart chakra with Gaia right now, but we have been dragging our
collective feet and are a bit stuck in orange ray (because we on earth
are from many different sources) which explains much concerning all of
the ra ra hoopla go team, lets hear it for my side, one for the gipper,
us v. them separatist nonsense that still needlessly plagues humanity to
some degree. There is a rising up that is happening at an ever
accelerating rate, on a bit of a doubling parabolic curve if I
understand the math correctly, so we are going to be fine in short
order! Some will wish to stay in 3rd density and play around in that
physical world sand box a bit longer, and it is their unalienable right
to do so, but they will have to lose their present 3rd density bodies
from some catalyst they foreordained for themselves prior to their
present incarnation, and move on to another planet still in 3rd density
for their next incarnation (there are 67,000,000 planets with some
level/density of life in our galaxy alone!). Others are very very very
ready for 4th density existence here on Gaia! In fact, the vast
majority that are ready have incarnated in from many places in our
galaxy for the specific reason of 4th density as Gaia is almost there
now - has been transitioning since approx. 1940, give or take a decade.
All of this and so much more you will read about in the 5 books of the
Ra sessions Law of One material.
We don't have to get our guidance from the Law of One material from the
Ra sessions, as Ra itself (a sixth density social memory complex) admits
in book 3, but no planet has evolved past 3rd density without
understanding the Law of One from some source, and all catalyst in 3rd
density is basically grist for the mill, meant to lead us ever closer to
understanding what Ra says so well in the 106 sessions about the Law of
One. All levels of existence are actually happening simultaneously, but
it is still a big part of the plan to go through this illusion of
steps/densities in the process for the sake of Creator knowing Creator
through all of our personal experiences, for in the end, we are Creator
acting upon itself in a distortion/illusion of "many-ness" because
someone "up there" really LOVES variety!!!!!
We are meant to enjoy the ride once we understand the reason not to take
ourselves so seriously because we are inviolately and unassailably safe
in a present moment that never ends, ever. I cannot tell you how many
times I found myself welling up or weeping while reading how safe we
really are. We may still face some scary times here in 3rd density
during these turbulant times, but the Law of One material prepares us
well for anything and leaves us knowing, no matter what happens, we are
actually in the eye of the storm.
Here is the link to the introduction forum where the PDF's are located
Enjoy!!!!! And then join us sometime if you wish on the groups forum
already in progress in book one.....
Love/Light, Chris
P.S. I am also attaching a PDF featuring the Indigo and Crystal
children with combo 3rd density/4th density bodies that are incarnating
in right now!!!
Thanks much for all this info. I am intrigued and expect I will enjoy it when I am able to focus on it. The Law Of One sounds so familiar to me somehow.
The White Horse Black Mountain project you and I corresponded about is coming to fruition, so I am pretty wildly yet enjoyably busy! We are planing to open November 1st!
MUCH MORE later, and thank you dear Chris.
I so wish I could just beam over and see how things are going! Love and Light upon all your endeavors Kim!
You might, when you get 5 minutes, download those PDF's to your "C" drive so that you have them already loaded onto your computer for future reference. Much you will intuitively recognize I would wager. Much more will amaze and astound you, and much will make you weep with joy at times. Knowing what is said in those books frees up the imagination to think on other more positive things instead of the brain drain of not knowing exactly what is happening and why....
Love/Light, Chris
I am still disgusted when I see either one of them, or a myriad of others like them...
Yes, I'm struggling with that one also. I love the idea of a Love mugging! Do you suppose they'd consider that a terroristic threat? (I'm serious, come to think of it).
Your words above made me think of something Pancho Villa said, comparing the Norteños to the corrupt officials of Mexico. "Which is worse," he said, "a locust or a pig?" They both eat all the corn and the grass, but the pig gives you something in return." To him, his own government was a plague of locusts, stripping the people mercilessly down to nothing. At least the pigs north of the border bought his stolen cattle.
...I love wading through your stuff, and I mean that in the best way. You're on a whole different level than I am and yet the resonance is often near-perfect.
...how things really work, from density one, earth, water, fire, to density two, lesser lifeforms of flora and fauna, and then
density three where life forms finally begin to become self aware, and then on to densities 4,5,6,7, and then an amazing ascension to the next octave that Ra could not even describe because Ra is 6th density.
Other people know about life on other planets, not me. My connection with the different kinds of entities "here" on earth is pretty elemental. What I have come to understand is that every dimension of spacetime or density or anything else you can name...every note on the scale...every nuance of color (vibration)...everything...is chock full of LIFE. Not just spirits or entities that we think of in human form, but birds, tigers, slugs, and things we can't even describe all exist...and the vast majority are no more aware of us than we are of them. (Which is not to say we have no effect on each other...ask any amphibian). As we raise our awareness, we come to see more and more...and I'm sure the concept of octaves is just right in this context.
This notion of infinite life and connectedness hit me like a freight train just a few weeks ago...before I'd held the idea but suddenly its incredible reality grabbed hold and I had the nearest thing I've ever had to a NDE...OBE with the real possibility of just not bothering to come back. It was awesome.
That last paragraph of yours brought me rushing back at the speed of light to my mental journeys with Carlos and Juan Matus in the desert. Much of what you have related to from your very personal and wonderful life experiences in this area have made me think of Juan Matus many a time! You have been an inspiration for me, and many others, from day one here on the TT portal.
Just as you have been, at times, blown away by how much you resonate with new information shared here on the TT portal and other places, information you do not yet understand and really have no earthly/rational business believing in at present for lack of "proof of life" so to speak, I also have had the same undeniable experience with the info you related to above from the Law of One sessions. I have never read anything like it, so matter of fact, and yet I am undeniably drawn to the truth I highly suspect it is relating to, so much so that I am prepared to find out I am wrong, if that be the case, and be very satisfied that I had such a great Carlos Castaneda journey through the 5 books/sessions.
I absolutely abhore religious pretense, and this tech manual approach to the dissemination of information is so refreshing, so absent of nonsense and pretense of egotistical nonsense! I am quite sure, in my excitement, I have come off sounding like some new recruit in some new cult lately in all my excitement. For that, I do so sincerely and humbly ask you, as a brother I just simply adore and appreciate to no end, for your parden and forgiveness. I do not ask that as if I thought I have ever really done anything to really bother you too much, but take the opportunity to totally clear the air for the amazing things that are about to happen here on earth. I know deep in my heart you forgive/parden me before I even ask, and you would say I need not even ask, but I do anyway to share my heartfelt sincerity with you dear brother of mine. Shit, I am welling up with tears again as I type. Must be getting close to time for the nature of 4th density!!!!
As I finished up book 3 last night which took me through session 75, I came across a passage where Don is asking Ra why evangelists and churchgoers don't experience all of the power they go to church to worship and talk about, and Ra, in Ra's so matter of fact ho hum fashion simply tells Don that they do not know the power they possess, and goes on to tell Don that evangelists lose some of the magic of their message when they get to forceful and shove it down people's throats against the inviolate will of others. Turns out that respecting the free will of others is so damn paramount to how power and magic really works. That really has me wanting to be very careful how I come off from now on, but apparently it has not yet curbed my enthusiasm, LOL!
Another thing that Ra said at one point in book three is that all stimuli and catalyst and information and experience is for the learning of what Ra is talking about in those 5 books, and says in no uncertain terms that Ra is not the sole source or the prime source for this Law of One info. It can be garnered from the very things you spoke of concerning your wonderful ongoing relationship with nature and animals, and what they teach you for just being there!
Another thing you will get a really big kick out of is the transfer of info from 3rd density, more self aware entities like us, to animals/pets in 2nd density learning to be more self aware in preparation of the ability to self activate like we are learning now. All of that wonderful interaction with animals and pets is preparing them for their next leg of the journey in 3rd density, and on an on it goes, where it stops, oh, that's right, it doesn't!!!!
And one last thing that will really knock your socks off nature lover!!!! There are many trees out there that have lived long enough and nurtured enough other life forms for long enough that they are actually in 3rd density and are very self aware!!!! So the next time a tree talks to you, like they have done before, you can now know (as if you didn't already know) for sure that they are really talking to you and you do quite well to go ahead and talk back. They are quite aware of you, just as I am...
Love/Light, Chris