I guess I have been on this journey a long time without even knowing it. I just last night recalled back in the early 70's that I read the little novella by Richard Bach, called Jonathan Livingston Seagull. It affected me greatly at that time and I was lead to make a painting from it. I have posted that below. Also for those of you perhaps too young to remember the story, I have place a summary below. BTW, I haven't painted anything since this one. Sighhhhh!
Jonathan Livingston Seagull,
written by Richard Bach, 1970
The novel tells the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a seagull who is bored with the daily squabbles over food and seized by a passion for flight. He pushes himself, learning everything he can about flying, until finally his unwillingness to conform results in his expulsion from his flock. An outcast, he continues to learn, becoming increasingly pleased with his abilities as he leads an idyllic life.
One day, Jonathan is met by two gulls who take him to a "higher plane of existence" (reminicent of the beliefs of chinese, in that there is no heaven but a better world found through perfection of knowledge), where he meets other gulls who love to fly. He discovers that his sheer tenacity and desire to learn make him "a gull in a million". Jonathan befriends the wisest gull in this new place, named Chiang, who takes him beyond his previous learning, teaching him how to move instantaneously to anywhere else in the universe. The secret, Chiang says, is to "begin by knowing that you have already arrived".
Not satisfied with his new life, Jonathan returns to Earth to find others like him, to bring them his learning and to spread his love for flight. His mission is successful, gathering around him others who have been outlawed for not conforming. Ultimately, one of his students, Fletcher Lynd Seagull, becomes a teacher in his own right and Jonathan leaves to continue his learning.
That is lovely, thank you for reminding me of that great story.
Stunning painting too. Wow, there is such a talented bunch of people on this Portal. We could hold a holistic expo of our own. Wouldn't that be great!
Hi Ursh,
I knew there would be some who remembered this little jewel of a book. I still have it in my library somewhere.
I have let my artistic talent with a brush go too long without using it. I really need to get back to it. I think I have a lot more in me now to work with than I did 30 or 40 years ago. The other artistes on the portal have inspired me.
Love and Light
Hi Berry,
Here is a link for the book online for any who would like to read it....
I loved your painting!
With love
You are so very thoughtful to search that out and link it here. Thanks a million.
Thank you for memory lane Berry,
That book may have actually have been the sign post for me to start remembering. It really touched me deeply. And the contemporary saying "Love means never having to say you are sorry", but maybe that was later.
Your painting is exemplary! The seagull moving in those colors...Wow. If you need a little impetus to get that paint brush moving you may want to do "The Artists Way" by Julie Cameron and start the "Morning Pages". That is a dandy of a therapy.
Thanks for sharing your artwork. It is lovely. We are among some great artist here. I read the book not long ago and loved it. I like the author and took to reading his other books, all of which are inspiring. I look forward to seeing more work if you want to share. I have read other posts of yours and feel that you are a beautiful spirit. I send love your way.
Many Blessings,
Thank You.
Thanks so much Berry for stirring up glorious memories. Your painiting is so heart-warming & yes I think you could produce incredible stuff now too!
Thanks too to Jez for the link to the book- I gave mine away years ago- so this is a real gift.
Misty- I too have read Bach's other books. If anyone has a copy of or a link to "One" I think that's the title- please let me know.That book transformed my life as it talked of multi-dimensions occurring at the same time-the story is of a pilot and his passenger who everytime they land, land in another place of now. Interesting to think that all our possible decisions are living in another dimension as we speak!
blessings and light to all.......Cathy
Tricia, Misty and Cathy,
Thanks so much for expressing your pleasure over the mention of the book and my painting. I have to admit that I have not read any of Bach's other books. I will have to check them out. And Tricia, I am going to look at those references you gave me. I am now getting a urge to get the brushes out and some fresh pigment and start opening up to inspiration. Unfortunately, the Gull was the only peice of my work that I still have. The rest is somewhere out there or not at all any more. But those are of the past. We are of the Now. N'est pas?
Love to all,
Thank you for sharing your painting, I think you are very creative......You may surprise yourself with what you could do now. Love,Mary