
This is a recent post from an acquaintance of mine that is an astrologer of local reknown. No political leanings of my own here, simply thought it might be of interest. kristyne
SHADES OF ROBERT F. KENNEDY and June ‘08’s Astrological Love Fever, along with Red Wings prediction
I met Robert F. Kennedy many years ago. I shook his hand, looking deep into his spiritual and worldly wisdom eyes. His voice alone revealed his compassion and loving kindness. He was a genuine human being. His was the first aura permeating and surrounding a human being that I had ever seen, and I didn’t even know what the word ‘aura’ was yet. I thought Senator Kennedy to be a living saint at the time. He was a ‘Rock Star’ of the political world, meaning that he was bigger than life. He was also a man who saw suffering in the world and wanted to do something about it. In practice, he was a true christian, as depicted in ‘The Sermon on the Mount’. To listen to his speech, ‘Mindless Menace of Violence,’ given following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and calling for America’s need to move towards love, compassion, and wisdom, not only brings one near to tears, it inspires a deeply moving spirit of goodness and virtue within us. Both Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were bodhisattvas of social justice, love and truth.
Scary Comparisons, now and then.
Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. died with Uranus/Mars aspects. Strangely enough Barack Obama shares such aspects making for exciting popularity, but also scary times. This strange synchronicity takes place particularly this June 2008 into July, having eery coincidence to the past. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated June 5th, 1968, forty years ago exactly. Presently, Pluto’s transit at 29 degree Sagittarius is mid-pointing RFK’s natal Sun/Moon highlighting this tragedy in today’s news. The transit of Uranus is conjunct Kennedy’s natal Uranus (approximately an 84 year cycle), and Mars is conjunct his natal Neptune at the end of June, while Mars opposes Uranus on August 2nd. All of this gives us a haunting historical perspective on today’s popular Barack Obama, who presently shares some of the aspects which made both Kennedy and King so popular. Unfortunately, such aspects also portend danger.
On June 25 or so, Obama, with a Scorpio Rising Sign, has transiting Mars conjunct Uranus, and transiting Uranus square natal Uranus. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated when transiting Uranus squared his Mars and opposed his natal Uranus. Obama has a conjunction and square vs. King’s square and opposition, but the point is that Uranus/Mars and Uranus/Uranus aspects make for both popularity and outspokenness, as well as for danger. These aspects portend danger of physical harm, aggressive acts or words, verbal attacks, as well as travel mishaps or troubles. Positively, it can reveal bold new action, bravado, courageous speech, as well as a constant need to re-adjust oneself to new circumstances or new approaches to political attacks. Politics can be scary stuff. Astrologically, these are, of course, tendencies or probabilities.
I mention this because Presidential Candidate Senator Clinton mentioned staying in the race longer and referred to RFK’s demise. Many people, prior to Mrs. Clinton, compared Kennedy and Obama in a more positive spirit in that both offer change, both appeal to the masses and popular vote, and both offer hope to the poor, education, and a need to stop the war; then it was Vietnam and now Iraq. After researching Kennedy and King’s charts, I can only wonder who Senator Clinton’s astrologer is?! She must assume something may drastically change in Obama’s camp, be it health, crisis, status, etc. Astrologically speaking, there is a need at this time for further protection and security for all the candidates, especially Obama; I assume that everybody knows that, even non-astrologers. It will be interesting to see how all this political psychodrama and high media theatre will play out. With Uranus now conjunct Senator Clinton’s natal Moon, one would think that big changes are in the air for everyone. Will she drop out or suddenly be put in the front (or back) seat? It’s all in the cards, I mean the stars, for this June into July. Then again, it may just be some other crisis in the economy or world that suddenly shocks or shifts their individual awareness. It is a wisdom of esotericism and spirituality, that one can change one’s own inner mind to change outer circumstances. This is the secret of positive thinking. Let’s hope it’s this. With transiting Mars conjunct Senator Clinton’s Mars/Pluto in early June, and then conjunct Saturn in mid June, she won’t go up or down easily, and in all probability is vying for any shot at presidency, even if VP for now. Needless to say, it is an historical ground-breaking event for a woman and an African-American to be running for President. Astrologers around the country in the last few months have been declaring new birth times for both Senator Clinton and Senator Obama, justifying mistaken past predictions; now proclaiming Barack Obama to be the next President. This may very well be true, but the times are ever-changing. Robert Kennedy’s warning of the ‘mindless menace of violence’ is always a threat, and I wish Robert Kennedy was still here. Perhaps Mr. Obama is picking up where Mr. Kennedy left off. We can only hope for the day truth and love, compassion and wisdom enter not only the White House, but every house in America. The difficult aspects in all the candidates’ charts preclude a rough ride to the White House. Astrologically there is much more surprise to come just around the corner.
Speaking of craziness, even Presidential Candidate John McCain has difficult aspects: transiting Uranus opposes his natal Venus now (June), and transiting Saturn conjuncts his natal Sun in July. Health troubles? Friend difficulties? Shake ups and changes? His power will be in holding steadfast and sure. At this point, people will like anyone who isn’t changing with the wind. His downfall will be appearing old and feeble or too crystallized. Uranus opposing Venus oft reveals affairs of the heart and unsettling sexual matters. It could also just be him watching the fireworks on the democratic side of the fence.
Look for June 12th-13th, for sudden breakthroughs and break downs. Quakes and shake-ups, thunder and lightening moves. (Watch out you mutable signs.) Good aspect for taking daring leaps of faith in love and creativity. June 19th-20th-21st and 23rd may portend sudden leaps back from faith to practicality. Venus/Pluto is often feelings of being betrayed or cheated. Mars/Neptune feelings of being misled or lied to. (Watch out you fixed signs). Look for these crazy zany aspects to bring stormy weather and foul play in both politics, economics, relationship, money matters, and the heart, as well as rough, ever-changing weather - storms, upsets, reversals, sudden leaps of faith, and going where angels fear to tread. June definitely has aspects for jumping ship, changing allegiance, retreating or escaping, spiritual escapade or getting lost in space. Extremes in the weather continue to pester natural growth cycles. Bad time to go on a crusade or start a war with the neighbors. Bad time for psychodrama or emotional theatrics. Good for gardening, outdoors activities, music and wondrous acting out of freedom and spiritual purpose or virtue.
The Full Moon June 18th into the 21st will be haunting. The Venus opposing Pluto in the sky on Full Moon is clearly reminiscent of Bobby Kennedy’s natal Venus opposing Pluto. It is an aspect calling for much compassion and loving kindness and wisdom. Avoid jealousy, and any kind of anger and psycho-drama. Many interesting endings and new beginnings at this time. With Mars opposing Neptune in fixed signs (Leo/Aquarius/Taurus/Scorpio), avoid any get-rich-overnight or gambling schemes. Avoid far-fetched dreams that may land you with a reality bump on your head. Good for artistic and gardening pursuits, creative design and music. Tendency to be spaced out and day dreaming. This is an aspect related to those who have crossed the threshold into the spiritual worlds and their reflection back into the physical worlds. Often this aspect associated with UFO and Alien sightings, as well as ghost sightings or visitations from the dead. Strange dreams difficult to interpret, or confused psychic readings. Miso soup and good long walk or physical exercise is good antidote to Neptune’s spaced-out side.
Early Cardinal Signs (Capricorn/Cancer/Aries/Libra) and late Mutable Signs (Gemini/Sagittarius/Virgo/Pisces) are dealing with the Venus/Pluto opposition and need to love and appreciate what you already have. This is an aspect of sweet sorrow, loss, and learning to value what has lasting value and higher purpose or meaning.
Mercury direct from retrograde on June 19th heightens awareness and need for better communication in the future in order to avoid mistakes. The further Mercury direct message is to keep moving, growing, and going forward in truth and higher reasoning. July 10th Mars conjunct Saturn as well as Mercury oppose Pluto may give further lessons in learning, to find a seat when the music stops, or to find new ways to plow through the stormy weather.
June 9th, the Sun conjunct Venus is a loving reminder that from 2004 to 2012, we are in the envelope of the VENUS TRANSIT across the face of the SUN happening twice every 107 years or so. It’s not just about the end of the Mayan Calendar or Lazlo’s ‘entry into the Chaos Point’, it’s about whether or not our minds can awaken to the Spirit and Virtue in nature, and learn to love the earth once again before Mother Nature either dies - making it very difficult to sustain human life on the planet - or Mother Nature storms, quakes, and volcanoes humanity out of here. Let the scientists and profiteers debate what common-sense and simple observation permits. As Robert Kennedy so aptly phrased it, “the Mindless Menace of Violence” is a problem that is not easily going away. Only a new mind for what unifies us and makes us all brothers and sisters to all of life can be of help here. For most, the ways of love, compassion and wisdom either wither on the vine, or find themselves severely weathered from the try. Alice Bailey said that we would continue killing each other until we discovered that which cannot be killed. This is the unifying golden thread of Spirit (God) within each of us tying us together as One Humanity with One Earth. It is the goal and heart of every religion, every true spirituality.
Looks like the Pluto retrograde back into Sagittarius (higher learning) foretells the continuing drop in book sales as Border’s book chain lays off more employees and continues investigating selling itself. Book sales are down worldwide and ebooks have not really taken up the slack. Books are becoming more a quaint momental art object, than a novel learning experience or research adventure. As Pluto enters Capricorn again later in the year into 2009, look for ‘Self Help’ books to continue to grow in popularity.
Why do i keep thinking the Red Wings will take it to 7 games before winning the Stanley Cup? So everyone will make more money? And why doesn’t the search for the HOLY GRAIL CUP that mythologically will feed all the hungry attract as many customers? O Well !
Blessings this June ’08,
May all beings find happiness and creative mindfulness and joy,
Robert Thibodeau
My favorite new Cd just acquired ! Check it out. It’s from a friend of mine in Canada. When I last saw him before his last concert here at the ARK in Ann Arbor, a bit of a ways back, he told me he just found Gelek Rinpoche’s book, ‘Good Life, Good Death,’ at an airport bookstand and read it overnight saying, “He’s the real thing!”. This was just after me telling him that he may want to check Rimpoche out while he was in town. Synchronicity.
Check it out--
Fred Eaglesmith CD “Tinderbox” -
also check out
RFK’s moving speech on the mindless menace of violence,
Robert Thibodeau is available for talks and private astrological consultations.
Call Mayflower Bookshop for an appointment (248) 547-8227.
Thank you Onesong!
The specifics and universal truths mentioned are so appropriate right now.
"Will she drop out or suddenly be put in the front (or back) seat? It’s
all in the cards, I mean the stars, for this June into July. Then
again, it may just be some other crisis in the economy or world that
suddenly shocks or shifts their individual awareness. It is a wisdom of
esotericism and spirituality, that one can change one’s own inner mind
to change outer circumstances. This is the secret of positive thinking."
That pretty much shapes my inner world and focus right now, being aware of what may very well happen while sending protective light toward Barack and his beautiful little family of precious fresh lights. I almost weep every time I see him and Michelle on stage (from the other night when he went over the 2118 number of delegates). It is such a wonderful historic moment and ripe for the picking by the same old worn out dark despotic theme we have all been witness to too many times already. I can only hope that many of us are focusing on directing protection toward Barack and his family right now and through this November, and beyond if it goes that far.
I also anticipate the possibility of a postponed election due to "whatever" and declared martial law in the US. Everything has already been so bizarre that nothing would surprise me any more, except normalcy.
The other generality I treasured most is,
"It’s not just about the end of the Mayan Calendar or Lazlo’s ‘entry
into the Chaos Point’, it’s about whether or not our minds can awaken
to the Spirit and Virtue in nature, and learn to love the earth once
again before Mother Nature either dies - making it very difficult to
sustain human life on the planet - or Mother Nature storms, quakes, and
volcanoes humanity out of here. Let the scientists and profiteers
debate what common-sense and simple observation permits. As Robert
Kennedy so aptly phrased it, “the Mindless Menace of Violence” is a
problem that is not easily going away. Only a new mind for what unifies
us and makes us all brothers and sisters to all of life can be of help
here. For most, the ways of love, compassion and wisdom either wither
on the vine, or find themselves severely weathered from the try. Alice
Bailey said that we would continue killing each other until we
discovered that which cannot be killed"
Thanks again so much for posting this!!!!!
Love, Chris
Thank you, Onesong, for posting this; very interesting. Lets, hold all this in the highest possible light.