
Hi everyone.
Here's a random thought I had while driving tonight... We "know" that Nixon was a scoundral, paranoid, creepy looking, etc... On the other hand, this man did more for ending pollution than any of the presidents who came after him. He strong armed the Clean Water Act through to law. I believe he also did the same for the Clean Air Act. When he started his term in office, there were waterways that were ON FIRE due to the heavy pollution. He forced the country to turn the corner on that, and had significant plans for ending our oil based infrastructure, with a very agressive timeframe. Then... well, Watergate happened.
So I was thinking... what if "people" started getting nervous about this man's determination to use his power to better the planet? Maybe they were after him, and that's why he appeared so paranoid. What if they "lured him into" scurrilous behavior, then let the hammer drop hard on him?
I seriously never gave Nixon much thought aside from remembering that Watergate messed up my summer vacation when I was 7 or 8 and the adults were all inside watching the hearings. I just thought he was a criminal - a bad man. Then I went a few months back to a talk about the transformation of the Hudson River (in NY), and the gentleman giving the talk read big portions of the Clean Water Act, and that year's State of the Union address. It was incredibly eloquent and passionate, and I was stunned to know that it was his. Then yesterday, I saw a clip from Jon Stewart's monolog on The Daily Show, where he talked about how the last 8 presidents have parroted the same speech about getting out from under foreign oil, and he pointed out that Nixon, of all of them, has had more of a positive impact on our energy usage.
So, I don't know what all that means. I guess I am just sharing with you how you can look as someone in a very negative light for a long time, then one day, something shifts and you realize that maybe you were wrong. Maybe the world was wrong, and he had to walk in shame and silence for all those years for no reason aside from the fact that he did the right thing, and they took him down. Or maybe it's the lesson that everyone is capable of great good and great evil, just as they are capable of an in-breath, and an out-breath.
Just something to chew on...
Much love and light,
The Watergate scandal is a good example of the layers upon layers of lies that are typically used when conspiracies occur. There is a fairly good body of evidence indicating that the watergate scandal was contrived in order to bring Nelson Rockefeller to power but circumstances left him with only the vice presidency. Here's a very interesting article about it:
The Watergate Affair (1972)
In the early 1970's, things began to go sour for Nixon. It was the establishment newspapers, the Washington Post and the New York Times, who forced a third-rate burglary onto the front pages and turned Watergate into a major media event which forced President Nixon to resign from office. As more and more facts came out, it was quite obvious that Watergate was a move by the Illuminati to get rid of an uncooperative President.
Watergate can actually be traced back to 1956, when Nixon's brother Donald received a secret loan from Howard Hughes. It proved to be embarrassing when it surfaced during the 1960 Presidential election. Nixon vowed revenge against the Democrats, and later discovered that Democratic Party Chairman Lawrence F. O'Brien had been secretly retained by Hughes. Nixon sent a memo to Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman in January, 1971 [directing] his Special Counsel Charles Colson to get the proof so that they could expose him.
It was believed that the second break-in at the Democratic National Committee [offices at the Watergate complex] on June 16-17, 1972, was to retrieve any derogatory information the Democrats had on the Republicans, but it was later revealed that the main goal was to place a bug on the frequently used phone that was in the area of the DNC that housed the offices of R. Spencer Oliver, his secretary, and the Chairman of the State Democratic Governors organization.
In March, 1974, financier Robert Vesco told CBS's Walter Cronkite in an interview, that six months before Watergate, a group had come to him who:
There had been an article in the Washington Post pertaining to a secret contribution to the Republican Party, and this group of Democrats had gone to him seeking more information to use against Nixon. The three people that Robert Vesco dealt with "were names that everyone would recognize (who) held extremely high posts in past Administrations." Vesco told New York Times writer Neil Cullinan, that Watergate was intentionally created to stop Nixon.
Nixon aide Bruce Herschenson said that the Watergate plot was deliberately sabotaged "by a non-elected coalition of power groups." Former CIA agent James W. McCord, Jr., the security chief for the Committee to Re-Elect the President, has been accused of being a double agent and used to bring Nixon down by sabotaging the break-in at the Watergate Hotel.
There is evidence to believe that the police had been tipped off on the night of the break-in. Detective Lt. Carl Shoffler, and three other officers, who usually went off duty at midnight, just happened to stay on for the next shift, and was parked just a minute away from the hotel complex. When the security guard Frank Wills found the tape on the door [latch] and called the police, it was those officers who came immediately to arrest the White House 'plumbers' (Special Investigations Unit). To top it off, McCord and Shoffler were friends.
McCord had entered the Watergate while it was still open, and put some tape on one of the doors so it wouldn't lock. The tape was put on horizontally, so that it could be seen between the doors. When the 'plumbers' arrived hours later, instead of the doors being open they were locked, which indicated that the piece of tape had been discovered. They left, since there was no longer any assurance of a successful operation.
McCord told them to go back and pick the lock, since the police had not been called. E. Howard Hunt and his Cuban accomplices did this, and left tape on the door for McCord to get in. About five minutes later he joined them. He was supposed to remove the tape from the door, but he didn't; however, he told the other 'plumbers' that he had. He also instructed them to shut-off their walkie-talkies so the static wouldn't be heard, which means they were inside the office without being able to hear any outside communications taking place. They were caught, when Wills discovered the door taped for a second time.
Afterward, on March 19, 1973, McCord wrote a letter to Judge John J. Sirica, which turned the Watergate affair into a national crisis, by saying that Attorney General John Mitchell was involved, that campaign money was used to pay the 'plumbers', and that the White House was trying to blame the CIA; when in fact the White House had engineered the entire operation, and Nixon covered it up. This came after Nixon held a press conference to say: "There is no involvement by the White House."
In the years since Watergate occurred, one simple fact seems to have emerged, and that is that Nixon probably had no prior knowledge of the break-in. White House Counsel John Dean III ordered it and "deceived the President of the United States into joining a conspiracy to obstruct justice in order to cover up a crime that Nixon had not committed."
Haig, Kissinger and Nixon's Downfall
If it weren't for the discovery of the Watergate tapes, Nixon may very well have survived the scandal. Gen. Alexander M. Haig, Jr., an aide to National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger who later became Nixon's Chief of Staff, controlled the vault where the tapes were kept, and secretly made copies of the transcripts available.
Haig became Cyrus Vance's (CFR member, Secretary of the Army, later Deputy Secretary of Defense under Robert McNamara, who was also a CFR member) assistant in 1962. After a short tour of duty in Vietnam in 1966 where he was decorated for bravery, he was made a full colonel in 1968. He transferred to West Point to assist Commandant Gen. Andrew Goodpaster (CFR) for two years, after which Goodpaster recommended Haig to Kissinger in 1969, and Haig was put on the National Security Council.
In less than a year, [Haig] was promoted to general, and in two more years, to major-general. Although he had served only four months as a battalion commander and one month as a brigade commander, in 1972 he was given four stars and nominated for Army Vice Chief of Staff. It was said that 183 other generals who were more deserving were passed over. Ford would later promote him to Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. He resigned in 1979 because he was critical of Carter's defense and foreign policies. He became the chief operating officer of United Technologies, only to return to government for 18 months as Reagan's Secretary of State. Haig was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
John Dean claimed that 'Deep Throat,' the man who leaked information to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post, was Alexander Haig. Haig denied it. Woodward had claimed that he didn't meet Haig until 1973, however, it has since been revealed that prior to Woodward becoming a reporter he was a lieutenant in the Navy, and as a special briefing officer had contact with Haig at the National Security Office in the White House. It now appears that Haig had a huge role in bringing Nixon down.
So why did the Illuminati turn against Nixon? In addition to the previously mentioned economic changes, he infuriated Kissinger by bombing North Vietnam without consulting anyone. It was even rumored that Nixon was planning to get rid of Kissinger. However, Kissinger was the Illuminati's man in the White House and his job was to control Nixon, so he was the one running the show.
Some very interesting information surfaced about Henry Kissinger. In 1961, Col. Gen. Michael Goleniewski of Polish Intelligence (GZI) defected to the United States bringing with him 5,000 pages of secret documents, 160 microfilms of secret reports, 800 pages of Russian intelligence reports, plus the names of hundreds of Soviet agents in American and Europe. State Department Security Officer, John Norpel, Jr., testified before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee that the information provided by Goleniewski was never proven to be inaccurate, and Goleniewski was honored by the 88th Congress for his efforts. [1]
The documents indicated that after World War II, Russia established an ODRA spy ring in Poland to infiltrate British and American intelligence. The GZI discovered that one communist agent code-named 'Bor' had worked with another agent, Ernst Bosenhard (a clerk at the U.S. Intelligence Headquarters in Oberammergau, Germany), who had been sending secret documents to Moscow. Bosenhard was convicted of espionage in 1951. 'Bor' returned to the United States and was secretly working with the CIA while teaching at Harvard University. 'Bor' was identified as Sgt. Henry Alfred Kissinger.
Kissinger became a consultant on security matters during the Administrations of Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson; and served as Nelson Rockefeller's chief advisor on foreign affairs. In his book White House Years, he called Rockefeller "the single most influential person in my life." His book, Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy, in 1957, established him as the leading authority on U.S. strategic policy, and he was the one who initiated the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). There should be little doubt where his allegiances are in regard to his support of one-world government.
Nixon also angered the Illuminati because of his choice of Vice Presidents. After Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because of income tax evasion charges, Establishment insiders had urged Nixon to appoint Nelson Rockefeller. However, Nixon instead appointed Gerald Ford to be his Vice President (who, when he became President, did appoint Rockefeller to be his V.P.). If Rockefeller had been appointed, he would have become President after Nixon was destroyed. So Nixon ruined their plans and may have known that, because after he resigned he was having problem with a swollen leg and said that if he had gone to Bethesda Naval Hospital to get it taken care of he would have "never come out alive."
Two years later, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme would attempt to shoot Gerald Ford on September 5, 1975; and on September 22, 1975, Sara Jane Moore would also attempt to shoot Ford. Moore said she was trying to expose the nation's "phony system of government" by elevating "Nelson Rockefeller to the Presidency." In a June, 1976, Playboy interview, she said that there was
The article also said that U.S. District Judge Samuel Conti, "added to the air of mystery surrounding her case (and) sealed all the trial evidence." This certainly gives some serious overtones to the attempts on Ford's life, [especially] if they were actually intended to elevate Nelson Rockefeller to the Presidency.
Nixon Resists his Removal
The bottom line seems to be that Nixon got cocky. With the Illuminati hoping to have world control by 1976 (it was "rescheduled" for the mid-eighties) Nixon was hoping to follow in the steps of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt who were virtual dictators, and began acting on his own to bring about change so he could head the world government. On May 21, 1971, James Reston (CFR) wrote in an article that appeared in the New York Times:
In the summer of 1973, Republicans partial to Nixon had announced to the Washington media that they wanted Nixon to be elected to a third term and had organized a group known as 'The Committee to Repeal the Twenty-Second Amendment'. The movement sort of died within a couple of weeks. Then in October, came the rumor that Nixon may be considering a military coup to stay in office. Gen. Alexander Haig told the Congress during his confirmation hearings for the position of Secretary of State on January, 1981, that some people in Washington were "flirting with solutions which would have been extra-Constitutional". Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski warned the grand jury that if they decided to indict Nixon he might use force to remain in office. In June, 1982, Harold Evans, Watergate grand juror, appearing on a segment of the ABC-TV news show "20/20." said that Jaworski told them that if they indicted Nixon he might "surround the White House with armed forces."
On October 26, 1973, in a Washington Star article called "Has President Nixon Gone Crazy?" syndicated columnist Carl Rowan wrote: "...in the face of a vote to impeach he might try, as 'commander-in-chief' to use military forces to keep himself in power." In another article called "The Pardon," in the August, 1983 edition of the Atlantic Monthly, Seymour Hersh, one of Nixon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote that in a December 22, 1973 meeting:
He felt it would be led by General Robert Cushman, the Marine Representative on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who had been loyal to Nixon ever since he had been his military aide while he was the Vice President under Eisenhower. Schlesinger, in July, 1974, believing the Washington contingent of Marines to be the probable force used in a coup attempt began developing a strategy to bring in the Army's 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
On August 2, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger admitted that General Haig had informed him that Nixon was considering the idea of surrounding the White House with troops. In an August 27, 1974 article in the Washington Post titled "Military Coup Fears Denied," the fact was revealed that:
Tantamount to a military coup, and contrary to the Constitution, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a secret communiqué to all Commanders of the U.S. military forces around the world: "Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt."
Rather than a plot by the Illuminati to militarily take over the government, it seemed to be more of an attempt by Nixon to keep from getting pushed out of office by the powers that actually run this country. In the end, he knew what kind of power he was dealing with and resigned his office on August 9th rather than risk what remaining credibility he had by trying to grab what he could not hold. His resignation also prevented an impeachment trial which may have allowed secret information to come to light.
Well I don't have that much to say. I found your post really interesting kasualino and I feel a tinge of regret with all the hatred I spewed while parroting my elder siblings. I had heard that Nixon was framed before and now it DOES seem plausible. Of course people are insanely complicated too so it could be he was a scoundrel and a hero at the same time.
Incidentally, I once read that he held far closer to a progressive stance on taxation than any democrats since...don't know if that was true though.
Peace, Brian
Yeah, Brian, I'm not convinced he was completely clean by any stretch of the imagination. I just got to thinking about it, and it seemed like maybe he was "going rouge" a little too much with all the environmental advancements he was trying to get into place. He had, or at least talked about a wonderful vision of what could be accomplished in a very short period of time.
I was thinking about the guys who find the weak spot in their opponent, and lure them into succumbing to their weakness - whether that's drugs, sex, financial corruption. Once lured into it, they hold proof of their transgression over the other person's head and if need be, make it public. (Monica Lewinski, anyone?).
So who knows? I guess it's kind of just a different way of thinking about things that I wanted to share. I've prettymuch thought he was the lowest of the low - at least until W took office. Tonight, I'm just sending his soul the acceptance and forgiveness, and my gratitude for all the good he did while in office. The rest seems unimportant.
Julia Gillard, Australia's first Female Prime Minister has just been sworn in. The ex Prime Minister Mr Rudd has been ousted by his own party. We will go to Election some time in the near future, 2 - 3 months.
This Lady is a Libran, an ex school teacher and a lawyer. She will now need to face the large Mining Giants here over taxation policy. She may not carry the family jewels, but she is a good mediater and does have a lions heart she is also quite capable, I only hope that she has the forsight to realize that it is through renewable resources and not the raping and pilliging of the Earth through mining that we will solve and come through the difficulties ahead, and can get the minds behind the Mining giants to balance reasoning with insight and awareness.
The best I can do is place the worlds political and financial powers that be in my heart and trust the Wisdom and Divine in all will be heard acknowledged and acted upon.
Peace and Love
Hi, Viveka,
I think the feminine energy will help bring back balance to the planet. Ms Gillard is a good start! Send her your positive intentions that she will be strong enough to bring your beautiful country out of the grips of those who have no love of the Earth. (I'll send her my prayers and vibes today as well, and intend for them to grow stronger with each mile they travel on their way to her. :) )
Much love and light,
Blessings. Thank You Dear Kathy the ripple goes out to all Nations.
Peace and Love
Australia had suffered deeply under their recent government in my opinion. The status quo is a destruction and a rape of the world-same as it is here. Ms Gillard theoretically, is the right person at the right time. I will pray for Viveka's intention of harmony and sense as I understand it because I trust her judgment.
Peace to all-Brian
Hi guys,
It's good to see you both giving Julia a go but I'm not....this is a bad joke...politics is a joke....
You see I now live in a state with an unelected (by the people) leader and a country with an unelected (by the people) leader.....some system we have here.....Lol...hence, I personally have not voted for over 15 years and I pay the fines for not voting....yes we get fined for not voting....we get fined for everything and anything....Lol...a guy even got locked up for a month last week for blowing a bubble in court...the judge locked him up!...he wasn't even on trial...was just in the court room.....hehehehehe....I'm not sure what has happened to OZ.....has become a police state,...it is very ugly.......
I think Julia will serve us well though....she is so transparent....and useless that many will finally get to see politicians more clearly....hopefully she will expose many things a "smoother", polished and compotent politician would keep hidden....so, yeah GO Julia...I trust you...just be yourself and it will all work out....lol....