The New Cambrian explosion by: Benjamin Fulford We are on the verge of something that will be bigger than the Cambrian explosion. For 3 billion years, individual life-forms were so small they could only be seen with a microscope. Then, in a geological eye-blink, a vast cornucopia of macroscopic life appeared. A similar phase-transition is imminent. We now possess a set of tools that gives us God-like power. With that power comes God-like moral responsibility. We have, or will soon have: the ability to manipulate our genes at will, access to virtually unlimited free energy and real-time full-spectrum communications abilities. This will allow for the birth of a plethora of communities that will take on the aspects of super-beings. We know these now as governments, cultures, societies, corporations, religions, individuals etc. However, with the new technology, that is about to change. The new communications tools mean Democracy can be made to function in real-time; creating communal super-brains. The new genetic tools mean some people will begin to manipulate their own genes in order to become immortal super-beings. The unlimited energy supplies will give us super-powers. Despite efforts by some power-holders to stop this wave of change, it is inevitable. It cannot be stopped, only channeled. That means it is of the utmost urgency for humanity to gather all its collective wisdom in order to make the change a benevolent one. We will need to fashion a base for this transformation. It must be like a perfect diamond, reflecting from every angle the desires and wishes of all creatures, great and small. I believe the very core of this diamond can be fashioned out one moral principle of the greatest purity. It is what I call the Sudra principle. The Sudra were the original aboriginal inhabitants of India. When the Aryan invaders came, part of the Sudra’s folk knowledge was taken and incorporated into the belief system of the invaders, the rest was destroyed. The Sudra were then forbidden from possessing knowledge. They punished any Sudra who learned to read and write by cutting his or her tongue out. Then, for thousands of years, these people toiled as slaves, imprisoned by their ignorance. Such a thing must never be allowed to happen again. Hence the Sudra principle: any change is allowed as long as there are no losers. Another way of looking at it is to examine the base of what we call good and evil. Good is when life energy increases, evil is when it decreases. In times of plenty, life increases, leading to more and more cooperation, bigger communities and more complexity. Evolution is powered then mainly by the forces of reproduction. Creatures that produce the most offspring prevail but, even those with less offspring continue to reproduce and change for the better. The collective knowledge gathered by life over its 3.5 billion-year experience of various times of plenty can be thought of as the wisdom of the good. In times of famine, there is strife, communities dissolve and evolution is powered by the strong eating the weak. Knowledge gathered by life over such periods can be thought of as the wisdom of the bad. The Asians call this Yin and Yang. Life is now headed for what is likely to be a billions of years long, and exponentially expanding, period of Yang or plenty. However, we cannot know when hard times or new enemies will come again and thus, we will need to maintain and nurture all the life knowledge gathered in bad times. With this in mind, let us now consider the principle governing body of our present world. In ancient Babylonia there emerged a proto-brain, ancient and powerful, that evolved for millenia. It was a gathering of the brightest minds, centered around a single uber-mind, who ruled over the masses. In Europe, this type of gathering came to be known as the illuminati. For centuries it functioned in a way that brought civilization to new heights. There was a gathering of the self-appointed best and brightest who strived to pool their collective wisdom in order to do the greatest good for the greatest number. They achieved marvels and dominated the world for over 3 centuries. At their core was a family of what may have been the most intelligent humans ever born: the Rothschilds. They pooled their collective knowledge and made sure it was successfully transmitted and built upon from generation to generation. However, they faced discrimination because of their Jewish ancestry and were forced to hide in the shadows. Their secret government was the Freemasons. At the top sat the Illuminati. At the very center sat a grand patriarch or king. Their source of power was control over money and knowledge. With the demise of the Ming Emperors they took on the role of the most highly evolved form of collective mind on the planet. Unfortunately, it was fatally flawed by arrogance, racism and an inability to form equal relations with other cultures. It was thus unable to truly control the world. Nonetheless, it was they who conceived of, and financed, the American Revolution. When America became isolationist, detached from world events and hard to control, the Rothschilds mounted a long campaign to get control of America. They succeeded, at last, through their agent John Rockefeller. John Rockefeller and his cronies usurped the throne of the Western uber-mind. It was then the nightmare began. He conceived of a horrific long-term plan to enslave the human race. His idea was to enforce total, collective control over all humans. The final vision was to install mind-control devices in the brains of all his subjects. Eventually mankind would evolve into a single brain: His brain. Absolute power made him criminally insane. His plan meant all other human brains on the planet would be crushed into slavery worse than that of the Sudra. To achieve this long-term goal, humanity needed to be captured and enslaved. To do this he relied mainly on the wisdom of the evil. This meant traumatizing humanity into submission through war and brainwash. The twentieth century became one of horror and destruction for both humans and nature. The final denouement was supposed to be an Armagedon created by him to purge the world of foreign peoples he could not control. The humans who survived would all have mind-control chips put into their brains. Fortunately for us all, the Rockefellers finally stand defeated. Humanity is about to wake up from a long and terrible nightmare. The brilliant minds gathered inside the U.S. armed and intelligence forces will no longer have to spend their time and brain-power on behalf of an insane man. This means that instead of contemplating war scenarios and studying cryptography, they will take on the job of helping humanity navigate into the future. They could start by eliminating poverty, environmental destruction, ignorance and disease from the planet. The new areas of study for the brilliant mathematicians they employ will be things like Fibonacci numbers, probability theory, fractal expansion theory, thermodynamic phase changes and who knows what other incredible things. We are about to enter an age of wonder. benjaminfulford.com/thenew.html
This is an interesting read; however, I would disagree that the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have been defeated just yet. The blatant willful destruction of our economy and that of the world is clear evidence that the R & Rs are in their end game phase and there aren't quite enough folks awake just yet to put a stop to it. The mad push to make more and more people dependent on government is adding exponentially to the roles of people who will sleep their way right into slavery. While I am certain that the PTB will be defeated, there are going to be some trying times ahead before their inevitable fall. I try to spread the word about their nefarious plot as much as possible but most peoples' eyes just glaze over and nothing gets through to them. It is going to take a concerted effort by the growing number of communities like this one to finally get everyone on board.
Peace, Kevin
Something I picked up on in that very intriguing/refreshing piece by BF is that the so called PTB also had and have, ultimately, a better role to play and truer path to take, like each of us. Always did, like us, always will, like us. They are us, and we them, for there is no separation.
This makes for some more interesting thinking towards the so called "them", if they truly be us, part of us, a reflection of the collective us we have all become together. The game of dualistic us v. them thinking is too easy, giving us the illusion of opportunity to place "evil" outside ourselves, and by so doing, we instantly are those of the "good" and "safe" from the "evil" that is outside of us, and apart from us (instead of "of us"). It's just too easy... No wonder we've been somewhat stuck in the mud as an evolving humanoid species, LOL.
So if we are one soul group in a much larger Soul that is One, and those we've been calling "them" are truly of the essential collective irrevocable "Us" inside the infinitely larger "Us", that quickly sheds a whole new light on how to think of and approach this crisis/opportunity, this quantum leap in evolution of a whole planet, a galaxy, a universe.
It made me think of praying for "them" and for a better understanding of this One-ness I have somehow misplaced the memory of, leading to my and the collective "our" temporary insanity. It made me feel like confessing, "in my attempt to run from "You", I have made "Us" sicker. In my attempt to separate myself from the fear and pain perceived, I have made more fear and pain"
I really like what BF, in this piece, has done with his vast insider knowledge of this particular humankind socio-political structure on this particular planet.... Thanks Berry
I'm so willing to blame someone else for my darkness. It sure feels better to put it "out there" than it does to accept that it's "in here".
Good reminder. Namaste.
Much love and light to you brother,
This morning, I got to thinking that we sometimes also do that dualistic projecting with our concept of "good". That we see ourselves, in whole or part, as "not good", and therefore imagine or project that what we perceive as "good" is outside of "me" or distant from "me", which is also the same illusion spun differently. We are all discovering our own very unique ways of getting there, but "there" will be the integrated understanding that nothing is outside of "us/me/you/them". We have so much programming to reformat...
Brother Chris.
What you said, is the difference between awareness of Space/time as opposed to Time/space. They are both available to us when we comprehend how to "Face left" in our enegy body and walk into it, as Carlos Castenedas quotes Don Juan, the Nagual, saying. I think I am going to have to reread those Castenedas books.
That was something I was pondering in another forum post. I can't remember which one at present, but no matter. I am tempted to find those books again too. They really were my first delving into the arena of the mystic traveler, the path to re-membering and re-cognition. Thanks for the reminder...
p.s. I remember now, it was a post in your Hathors Tom Kenyon forum post
Thanks for the Fulford post Berry and thanks for the comments Chris. I just spent a weekend at a retreat pondering the relationship between science and spiritualilty and the article and your comments were a perfect followup. The outcome of the sharing of the 60 plus people at the retreat is", We are on the verge of momentous and wonderful changes and one of the biggest changes will be in our way of thinking about ourselves, our world and each other. We are here, at this time, for a purpose, our being born to this time is not an accident, we are lightworkers, we are to spread, transmit, emminate, radiate,, loving, positive energy. This positive energy is now getting more and more powerful. ...."
BF brings up some points that I have been seeing taking shape. What will we choose? A STS Hell or a STO Heaven? The time is Now to make that Choice.