About a month ago I saw a white crow again. Not white, but pied. It's a mutation, not that rare. It's also my animal contact with the spirit world, and when I see one, I know things will be happening soon. That same night I saw a long, long meteorite.
I started work on my latest website a few months ago, and up until a couple weeks ago it was pretty half-baked. A chance remark by a new friend that he'd checked it out made me want to get the job done. When I started cleaning it up a couple weeks ago there were about 175 hits, and I'll bet 100 of them were me. Now, all of a sudden, there are over a thousand in the last 5 days. I haven't really figured that out - I still just see lots of work to be done - but I figure something good is happening. It's at www.indigodave.com if you wanna check it out. In getting it up and running I've accomplished one of the primary goals I set for myself this year.
You've probably met people you've known you were meant to meet. I have just lately. Change is never without problems. I've remarked a few times how the incidence of personal and especially spiritual changes have intensified in my life over the last couple of years. With the website, I'm following a prompt that's been bugging me for a long time, but ignored out of lack of confidence. Eventually, the message became Just Do It.
Follow your dreams, Friends...follow that inner voice.
Dear Dave,
Thank you for the invite to revisit your site(sight).............I am happy that you are getting more visits. I look forward to seeing what's new there.....and it is great to read your revealing insights here at the portal.
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Whew! You must feel as if you just passed an Elephant!
Haha! Good one FFG! As I say, I look at it and just see a lot of work to be done. I don't know if I even have anything worthwhile to say...but if I don't it'll die on the vine.
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