For all of my friends who are not aware of this initiative follow thru and go and sign the petition to get the initiative on the Denver ballot. Please. We want this to go viral. You don't have to be a Denver resident to sign this petition. So go sign.
Sign at this link: http://www.extracampaign.org/
David Letterman asks Jeff Peckmanabout Stan Romanek's Extraterrestrial visitors & UFOs. Peckman is chief proponent of the ETA Commission ballot initiative.
Five Reasons to Vote YES on 300
1. Common Sense - Over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses have testified to their direct, personal, first-hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. [Source: DisclosureProject.org]
2. “We ought to do it [disclose UFO files] because it’s right…because it’s the law.” – John Podesta, Clinton and Obama official
3. All people have a right to know about suppressed extraterrestrial technologies for: curing life-threatening diseases, cleaner energy, environmental cleanup, and creating jobs.
4. No Cost – like 80 other Denver Boards and Commissions, the ETA Commission requires NO city budget funding.
5. No Risk - Denver’s City Council can repeal the ETA Commission ordinance after six months.
Disclosure by the People, to the People
Over 10,000 people signed the physical petition to get the ETA Commission on the ballot in November 2010.
- The Initiative 300 campaign will include an historic voter education 'newspaper' to educate Denver voters and people throughout the world about extraterrestrial visitors.
- Students can study the issue and have mock elections. Also see the Pink UFO music video highlighting the government UFO cover-up and suppressed technology like cures for cancer.
Why not leave it to the Federal Government?
The Obama-Biden administration and its pro-disclosure cabinet members have not indicated the will or courage to disclose UFO files. This is despite Obama's many promises of openness and transparency in government.
It's time to go over the heads of elected public servants directly to the voters. James Madison, American's fourth President, wrote that "The People are the only legitimate fountain of power".
According to the Disclosure Project, over 400 whistleblowers* who worked on top secret U.S. government projects:
- NASA removes images of UFO's from its photos and videos before releasing them to the public even while "looking" for signs of extraterrestrial intelligent life, in order to keep getting over $15 billion a year in funding. [That means NASA has defrauded Denver taxpayers for tens of millions of dollars and Colorado taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.]
- The U.S. Government has covered up information on UFO/ET phenomena for at least 60 years as confirmed by government documents.
- Clean energy technologies of extraterrestrial origin, that could replace fossil fuels, have also been covered up by the U.S. government using our tax dollars to protect fossil fuel energy profits.
- U.S. President Carter was denied information on UFO/ET clean energy technologies, by CIA Director George H. Bush in 1977.
- Up to fifty-seven species of Extraterrestrial beings, that have visited Earth, have already been categorized and they are all humanoid.
- At least 4,000 landings of Extraterrestrial vehicles have left traces on Earth.
*All bulleted points above are taken from comments by 20 of the whistleblowers in the Disclosure Project press conference May 2001.
Summary of Initiative
The proposed ordinance is summarized by the "ballot title" or question which would appear on the election ballot. See full text here.
"Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?"
Yes___ No___
The proposed ordinance includes a declaration of findings, purposes of the commission, appointing the members, and powers and duties of the commission. The commission would be funded by grants, gifts and donations and would not require any funding from the Denver city budget.
Carter's Request for UFO Info Was Denied by Bush
Daniel Sheehan stated that President Jimmy Carter requested information known by U.S. intelligence agencies about UFO's and Extraterrestrial beings. His request was denied by CIA Director George H. Bush.
Sheehan was a key counsel in the Pentagon Papers, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Karen Silkwood cases.
See Mr. Sheehan speak at The Disclosure Project 2001 press conference (1 hour & 20 minutes into video)
What will being on the ballot do?
When the initiative is on the ballot, a wide range of public education opportunities will occur. These are typical during an innovative and controversial ballot measure. They include:
- School students going deeply into the issue by holding debates/mock elections in class. They will also doing reports on the implications for human life from acknowledging extraterrestrial civilizations and the relationship of the issue to different academic disciplines. These students are likely to represent the first generation that will start their adult lives in a post-UFO disclosure, and open ET contact, environment
- Neighborhood groups inviting speakers to explain the ballot initiative;
- Civic and non-profit organizations discussing the UFO/E.T. issue and, in some cases, offering official endorsement. Presentations about our galactic neighbors and visitors have already been well received by Rotary, Optimists, Lions, and Kiwanis organizations.
Hi Berry,
This post has made me think again about the whole UFO's are there thing. Some time back there was a post "Letter from ET's to Everyone, 21/06/2010" it also had me thinking and it was indeed that post that I really asked some deep inner questions on.
Bear in mind this is only my perspective.
It is not wether there are or are not UFO's so much as where are they from and what do they really want? For myself I believe many are there to try and stop the transformation that is happening here, there are many that do not want us to transform, there is more to all of this than we all may think, so I just leave you with this thought.
Why is there so much focus happening on the UFO front, why such a strong call to expose them, is it because they themselves need the people numbers, need sufficient believers in order to truly show in strength, then if they do will the peoples focus move from our own internal transformation into a belief that these ET's hold the power to change us, and then if we follow and believe them, then where has our own inner truth gone?