Crop Circles: perhaps the two most important, ever

These seem amazing. Can anyone corroborate that the first one actually existed in a field? It's only shown for a moment and it looks a little strange to my eye.

Carl-Azcar's picture

Dear Lightwins,

Yes, this is very special. Thank you for bringing it to us on the portal. I have been very interested in the Crop Circles for many years now, and I believe the majority of them come from our Cosmic Brothers and Sisters. No one has to prove to me that there is life in the Cosmos.

That is our playground that we can go to after this life. I have known this for many years now and I look forward to that opportunity when this life on earth is completed. I am 71 now so I am sure it will not be much longer to wait.

With God's Love and Blessing's,

Carl Azcar

davelambert's picture

This I think is the answer, the connection I have been looking for! I cannot thank you enough!


lightwins's picture

I'm so glad to hear that. If you'd be willing to share, I'd like to know what you mean.

davelambert's picture

Jim, doesn't this video and the ones that accompany it unlock the meaning of the crop circles? Yes, that first one did appear in a field. There's a good photo of it at the Photobucket link at the right, above. It made my hair stand up. You read how hard it would be to make one. The hoax explanation just doesn't hold up.

But this would seem to be proof that the circles represent real contact. If so we can expect a sudden silence in the media, and we'll have to ferret out the information.


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