NSA whistle blower

 The words I am typing are being recorded by my government. If you respond to it, yours will be too. And your network of friends out there is being profiled as well. I had strongly suspected this was true and have told friends and family so. Every email and other electronic communication we send is recorded by the NSA and they are building immense facilities to store it all. They only analyze your specific data as they see a need to. As this whistle blower says, the Supreme Court needs to confront and prosecute this crime against the Constitution. Obama is as guilty for continuing to authorize it as Bush was. Screw you NSA-you hear me guys? What you are doing is WRONG!

Enough already.

Brian's picture
tscout's picture

         they were even on 60 minutes several years ago......I suspect they are upgrading now to a new system,,,i mean,,,what else could they possibly spend all that money on????haha!

        i think it was a post here some time back that listed the 500 words are so that trigger a second look at conversations, emails, etc. When I saw it,,,I realized I have used most of them,,ha! And the last two times I have re-entered the U.S., after a look at my passport, and a quick call, I have been told to walk the red line ,,to a search room, where they have trashed everything in my suitcase and backpack....I know some others , including an 80 year old woman,,,who showed me a mark on their plane ticket that gets them deterred every time...This old lady , a mayordomo on the old irrigation, or acequia system in new mexico, walked onto rumsfeld's property there and raised hell....Her organic ranch/bed and breakfeast was ruined by the chemtrails there...she complained, and now, for several years she has been harassed  every time she travels......they are definitely out there,,,,and annoying !!

Brian's picture

Yeah, I know this isn't news around here much-LOL-but I just really liked the response of the guy to the question about whether he talks to the NSA in his correspondance and he says he does and he tells them what they are doing is wrong. It encouraged me to not be fearful and to speak directly to the NSA and tell them myself. I think that is why I posted it.

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