I first heard of the expanding earth theory from Clif High of the Web Bot project and HalfpastHuman. Had no idea there was so much data on this model that answers questions that the old plate tektonic subduction theory cannot. The first video is Neal Adams (referred by Clif High) and the 2nd video is 1st of 14 part discussion of the expanding earth theory by Dr. James Maxlow... Enjoy
Hi Chris-
I just wanted to let you know I watched these. Here's another interesting theory about earth changes:
Just one more indicator that we have not been told the truth of how things really are. the other thing that strikes me is how easily the "intellectuals" and alleged learned are herded intellectually and psychologically until the next "earth is not flat" moment in history changes what is understood to be what is actually real...
Chris has made me think of a question I posed to a man I loved once..."what is real? what you see or what you feel?"
I appreciated the above vid's right now, after seeing so much 'Bin Laden' about the place. So my question for today remains the one from long ago.
"what is real? what we see or what we feel?"
I'm going to run with what I feel and follow that with what I see without eyes. Now entering heart space.
The veils are very thick and I'm not sure where I've left the night vision glasses but there will always be a point of Light.
I'm going to have to agree with the original post.
One way or another, Yes! The Earth is expanding.
Clif High has updated his website - expanded on his expanded planet theory. I think this is new, hope I'm not re-posted something that was already here.
Here's the link:
Oops, that's the original article, Here's the update:
I give up. Any guesses?
I found this interesting answer to my question: http://www.ceveni.com/2009/03/2012-and-safest-place-on-earth-to.html
Hi Noa-
I have no idea, but I have to say that I was not convinced that the Tibet mountains would be the safest place by that video. The more I read about this, the more comfortable I am with staying exactly where I am, although I do wish I was just a bit further from the coast. I think it's a total crap shoot and we'll just have to stay centered and hope that providence puts us where we are supposed to be.
Good Greetings all and Wendy:
I have came to the same conclusion. I simply will be where I am when ever all this comes down and that is still an "IF" it is even comes to be this way. And I live on the Seacoast of NH... not moving. If It is time for me to meet the maker... then it shall be time to do so.
I am tired and really have been thinking about the former thread blah, blah, blah hogwash. I simply feel no need to indulge in all of this anymore. It feels like an exercise in futility and wasted effort. So I am simply focusing on my life and my family and the beauty of the earth around me. There is no thing I could possibly do to stop a Tsunami, Earth Quake, Tornado... by myself. Since very few feel the calling to create the New Earth I have retired my warrior role. It will be what it will be and that is all it will be. There are forces at work greater than this human body I inhabit and greater than my sovereign soul.
I bless you all with Love.
Hi Fairy-
Yes, I am still looking into this stuff because I love science and just have a driving curiosity - just like a flower blooms, research is what I do but I can totally relate to you wanting to give it up. I gave up trying to convince people that 9/11 is an inside job for a similar reason. Good for you for focusing on creating a better future, I still feel there is a need to struggle a bit and get us all out of this cocoon we're in but I can see there's a crack in it and beautiful bright world beyond..
This is off subject, but decided to post it here because I did not want to create another forum post just for this link. Excellent interview...
YouTube - 2011-01-03 Webbot Clif High Interview w/ Suzanne Toro
Great interview - I have heard Cliff before - but this time he goes a lot more into exactly how he gets what he gets - very interesting. The guy must have an IQ off the charts. I particularly liked his analysis of there being both a Type 1 and a Type 0 civilization here at the same time and how much of what is going on in the background is the struggle they are having to keep everything under wraps - which they know cannot be done much longer.
From everything I have come to learn - I see this split as having been created by the ET's way back when - and without the understanding of where the type 0 civilization is going. From what I understand, the ET races with all of their technology - are NOT going where we are going (5th dimension say). So we'll be jumping right past the Type 1 to something much different. Cliff makes the point that they are trying to figure out just what to do with us, and still maintain there current levels of control, while "coming out" so to speak.
Endgame! Exciting times for everyone!
What a human encyclopedia he is. I have heard many of his interviews, but this one elaborates so much more on so much more... Am so glad he is here and doing what he is doing....
oh, and his aikido asymmetrical approach reminds me of what the Indigo children generation is doing quite naturally and spontaneously. I think the children of the Indigo generation will be the ones that do the real transcending in about circa 2075. I think we will be back in the game at that time in another incarnation. This is what my romantically inclined monkey mind is thinking at present from all the info I have gathered...
My time-conditioned left brain interpretor mind is inclined to think that is somewhat far off, but it is less than the blink of an eye in real terms...
I like his focus on eating pie. Did you see that picture of the strwberry rubarb at his website?
That's interesting thinking Chris. I have heard over and over from many sources, including Bashar and Matrix V etc. that this is our LAST life here. No more re-incarnation. No 2075 etc. This is IT. We are graduating this dimension, and it will happen IN OUR LIFETIMES (or as we end it, LOL). Interestingly - from the Matrix V perspective - the whole GALAXY game we are playing is going bye bye - ET's and all. Kind of like a mini big bang. Everyone not moving on WILL be incarnating - but into a brand new galaxy and a brand new game - with a brand new planet set up for multiple incarnations, just as Earth has that role in this galaxy.
So from that perspective - this is MUCH bigger than any of us are really thinking about. It's HUGE - the WHOLE galactic community is about to come to an end after billions of years. Granted - it may not come to an end at the exact moment that Earth does - but there will be NO MORE EARTH in this galaxy to house multiple incarnations - this is the last planet to fulfill this function, and WE ARE GRADUATING (the planet is too).
This idea is one of the possible explanations for all of the ET involvement with Earth at this time - they KNOW that something BIG is afoot - and they are desperate to DO something to prevent it from happening - and Earth seems to be the center of the whole deal. So here they are - from all over the galaxy hoping to somehow stymie the deal.
They are NOT more spiritually evolved than us - they are not even on the same level. This includes all of the 4th dimensional collectives referenced by George Kavassilas. They will be left behind and be given another chance to CHOOSE a simultaneous path on another planet when they are ready to take the leap of faith that doing so requires (we were once "aliens" who took that leap). I think it was Bob Dean that mentioned that we as humans have EVERY DNA link in the entire galaxy - such that virtually any race of being could incarnate here. That supports this idea too.
I for one hope there is NO MORE re-incarnating here! This whole galaxy is built on polarization. Let's get out of here!
it is one amazing and exciting time to be here now...
the law of one data relates somewhat to what you are talking about Jeff, so it will be interesting to see how all of this amazing evolving transition plays out... in any case, it is never really the "end" of anything, but always the beginning of something new...
or as Terence McKenna might say, Novelty springing forth again...
... if you, like me, don't want another incarnation on a physical plane.
Here it is in a nutshell:
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
It is amazing how my paradygms continue to be turned up-side-down and inside out. This man plans a polar expedition summer of 2012.
More on expanding earth and hollow earth:
Thanx for bringing this post to the fore again, I was in china when this post came out originally, and this site was blacked out there. Even with pro xpn I still couldn't get videos to load there. And I found Brooks to be very interesting, this expedition sounds like a true adventure that is long overdue..I went through this whole post today and really enjoyed it,,Happy new year,,,T
Thanks, Wendy. Frankly I always thought the hollow earth idea was just imagination; never took it in the least bit seriously. But I'd never looked at (or even thought there was) any scientific evidence for it. Now I have to adjust my whole world view to accommodate this very real possibility. And the real over-the-edge part for me is the notion that the inner Earth is not just a continuation of what's on the surface, but that it's in another dimension (5th). This leaves 99.9% (if not all) of sci-fi way behind...