I am very interested in this story because my father lived in Aztec for the last fifteen years of his life. He as very interested in such things and yet he never mentioned to me anything about this mysterious UFO crash in 1948. He was friends with many of the old time residents of the community and if it was something he could have discussed, he would have, so I think he found it necessary to keep quiet about it. As it turns out, the last place he lived was on a mesa, then called Dutchmans Hill. The description and appearance of that hill in the video looks identical to the mesa on which my father finally passed over. I guess I will never know for sure but it is interesting that this story is only now becoming publicised.
Really interesting story and all the more so because of Stanton Freidman's (and others) years of deep research of Roswell that explained WHY saucers were in that area. The Nukes, V2 Rocket testing and ultra high powered RADAR. I'm amazed at how those facts apply to this story identically! We are in a period of change regarding the UFO question because of the military witnesses coming forward, the Freedom of Informarion Act documents, death-bed confessions, and good investigations like this one. It makes me wonder what will happen next! Whoohee! Lookout for more in the coming weeks! I have a feeling...
Its a ufo report from 1846. I love these older ufo reports - I find them so much more convincing than the newer ones - they just can't be explained away by current day secret technology - something I was doing before and during the transformation course.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
I am very interested in this story because my father lived in Aztec for the last fifteen years of his life. He as very interested in such things and yet he never mentioned to me anything about this mysterious UFO crash in 1948. He was friends with many of the old time residents of the community and if it was something he could have discussed, he would have, so I think he found it necessary to keep quiet about it. As it turns out, the last place he lived was on a mesa, then called Dutchmans Hill. The description and appearance of that hill in the video looks identical to the mesa on which my father finally passed over. I guess I will never know for sure but it is interesting that this story is only now becoming publicised.
Really interesting story and all the more so because of Stanton Freidman's (and others) years of deep research of Roswell that explained WHY saucers were in that area. The Nukes, V2 Rocket testing and ultra high powered RADAR. I'm amazed at how those facts apply to this story identically! We are in a period of change regarding the UFO question because of the military witnesses coming forward, the Freedom of Informarion Act documents, death-bed confessions, and good investigations like this one. It makes me wonder what will happen next! Whoohee! Lookout for more in the coming weeks! I have a feeling...
Hi Berry,
Good post, somehow your film got me off on a search and I found this:
Its a ufo report from 1846. I love these older ufo reports - I find them so much more convincing than the newer ones - they just can't be explained away by current day secret technology - something I was doing before and during the transformation course.