Watch the video broadcast at:
Randy steps forward with a solution to fix the desperate financial state everyone finds themselves in. The town gets behind him and everyone starts to live a life that no longer depends on any economy at all. Meanwhile an unlikely savior makes the ultimate sacrifice to solve everyone's problems.
For some reason the link won't post so please go to www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s13e03-margaritaville to watch it.
Posted on Mon, Oct. 24, 2011
last updated: October 24, 2011 06:16:12 PM
People have been warning us that economic collapse is imminent for some time, but when the word comes from an IMF advisor, we'd best listen. If this is true, there's very little time to prepare. At the very least, everyone should stock up on food and water. If you have some extra money, buy silver coins. The price is down to just above $30 per ounce. (It was at $40 two months ago.) Buy gold if you can afford it. After the $h!t hits the fan, the price should soar. ~ Noa
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