
Hidden History Revealed

The sheer volume of information in this video is mindboggling.  It's like an entire encyclopedia of repressed , hidden history all in one place.  The narrator talks very fast, so it's easy to zone out and label these insights as "conspiracy theories" without consciously processing what is actually being said.  Only if you put aside your  preconceived notions and really pay attention will you be able to ingest the insights proposed in this video.

Fulford with more Fantastic Global Stuff

Well folks, here's some more pretty amazing stuff from Benjamin Fulford.  He's a controversial figure, apparently with real connections in terms of information and power.  I can't decide whether he's genuine, a loose cannon with a crack in it, or a mixture of both.  Sometimes he comes out with things that appear to be bizarre in the extreme.  But, as Fred pointed out once, he has appeared in public with powerful people, and he is listened to by many.  In any case, I admit that I'm addicted to his blog postings.  Here's the latest one as of today, 10/14/09.  Note that he doesn't claim that e

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