War and Peace Transformed by Sacred Sexuality

Imagine. Imagine a world where every person felt deeply satisfied in their sexual lives. Imagine a world where everyone felt deeply satisfied in their spiritual lives. Would there be any room for war? Absolutely not! War is a means of collectively placing blame outside of ourselves for what is going on inside of ourselves. And we are all guilty. We all at times choose to blame others for our problems rather than go through the uncomfortable process of looking inside ourselves for the causes of our dissatisfaction. How many of us haven’t blamed Bush, Hussein, or other politicians for problems in our lives?

As we dive deep into sacred sexuality, most of us come to realize that on the deepest levels we all are divine. We are ever deepening our ability with whoever stands in front of us to gaze into their eyes and see the divine looking back at us. We increasingly come to realize that we are all interconnected by an unseen web of love that permeates the entire universe. We are coming to realize that no matter how twisted some souls have become, in our heart of hearts we are all sacred brothers and sisters. Deep within, we are all made of the same sacred essence—even Bush and Hussein!

Imagine love. So how does all this relate to what’s going on in the world right now? I invite you to notice how you are feeling about what’s happening in your life. Who are you blaming for your problems? Who are you angry at? How does that anger serve you? How does blaming others serve all of us? What if instead, we choose to connect with the web of love and feel our connection with the deepest essence of each person we blame or are angry with. What if we send love to that deepest part of even Bush and Hussein that is our sacred brother. Just imagine what might happen if we all start beaming deep love to them and to anyone else in our lives we tend to blame or be angry with!

This is not to say that we should not take action to stop disempowering behavior going on in the world. We can definitely work to stop disempowering behaviors. Yet at the same time we can try to understand the motivation behind that behavior. Even as we take concrete actions to prevent harm, we can recognize the divine essence that is always present in whoever we are dealing with.

We can also strive to find a balance between our work in the outer world and the inner world. I have found that the most powerful transformation takes place when I focus on transforming my inner world. As my inner world becomes ever more loving, I am continually amazed at how the world outside of me reflects the love back to me! It’s truly miraculous!!!

Peace and Love Manifesting. So as we explore the wonderful union of sexuality and spirituality, let us not forget about the sacred connection between our inner world and our outer world. While you are making loving to yourself or others, consider sending some of that wonderful, powerful energy out to all beings—even to those we might blame or oppose politically. I honestly believe this is one of the most powerful ways we can heal not only the planet, but ourselves. As we find ever more peace and love within ourselves and choose to radiate it out to all, don’t be surprised if the world outside us miraculously joins us in moving powerfully towards peace and love. Yes, we are doing it! Through consciously embracing and sharing our sexuality and spirituality with all, we are healing both ourselves and the world around us! Thank you for your invaluable part in manifesting peace and love on our beautiful planet!

Bodhi's picture

Bravo Fred, this is beautiful! Until now, when disturbed with a thought or feeling about what I first imagine is someone else's disempowering behavior, I have used the following routine: 1.Chuckle as I awaken to see this person is reflecting a piece of my own shadow. Not again! LOL! 2.Then somewhat chagrined and humbled, I take the opportunity to send some compassionate energy to myself. 3.Finally I bust out the ho'oponopono brand all purpose cleanser on that self-limiting thought or feeling. Scrubby-scrub... The missing piece for me has been using the web of love to re-establish heart connection with all the players in my mini-drama. Thanks for the gentle reminder. I'm adding web of love to my routine- a final rinse, if you will... :) BTW - when I read above "...how twisted some souls have become..." I'm nearly certain you meant "...how twisted some souls may appear...", no? :) In gratitude, joy, and love, Bodhi

fredburks's picture

Hi Bodhi,

Yes, I agree that no souls are truly twisted. It is only the egos that tend to get twisted while the souls in their essence are absolutely divine. Thanks for catching that and for your warm words. I love your commitment to transformation!

Wishing you an abundance of love and joy, Fred

davelambert's picture

I have found that the most powerful transformation takes place when I focus on transforming my inner world. As my inner world becomes ever more loving, I am continually amazed at how the world outside of me reflects the love back to me! It’s truly miraculous!!!

Yes, yes, yes!! (How's that for some sacred sexuality? Remember that scene in Sleepless In Seattle? LOL!) I've found breathing sacred love and ho'oponopono two of the most remarkable tools I ever learned, because they do work!

Finally I bust out the ho'oponopono brand all purpose cleanser on that self-limiting thought or feeling. Scrubby-scrub...I'm adding web of love to my routine- a final rinse, if you will...

I love it! What a wonderful way to dance with the way some folks behave.


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"