Found this editorial at the Arizona Republic. It pretty closely reflects my views of what's happening in the 3D world. Don't forget to stock up on water purification tablets.
End of the world as we know it
You might feel fine, but high oil cost, scarcity mean American Empire is about to come crashing down
Guy R. McPherson
University of Arizona professor
Apr. 6, 2008 12:00 AM
Peak oil spells the end of civilization. And, if it's not already too
late, perhaps it will prevent the extinction of our species.
M. King Hubbert, a petroleum geologist employed by Shell Oil Co.,
described peak oil in 1956. Production of crude oil, like the
production of many non-renewable resources, follows a bell-shaped
curve. The top of the curve is termed "peak oil," or "Hubbert's peak,"
and it represents the halfway point for production.
The bell-shaped curve applies at all levels, from field to country to
planet. After discovery, production ramps up relatively quickly. But
when the light, sweet crude on top of the field runs out, increased
energy and expense are required to extract the underlying heavy, sour
crude. At some point, the energy required to extract a barrel of oil
exceeds the energy contained in barrel of oil, so the pumps shut down.
Most of the world's oil pumps are about to shut down.
have sufficient supply to keep the world running for 30 years or so, at
the current level of demand. But that's irrelevant because the days of
inexpensive oil are behind us. And the American Empire absolutely
demands cheap oil. Never mind the 3,000-mile Caesar salad to which
we've become accustomed. Cheap oil forms the basis for the 12,000-mile
supply chain underlying the "just-in-time" delivery of plastic toys
from China.
There goes next year's iPod.
In 1956, Hubbert predicted the continental United States would peak in
1970. He was correct, and the 1970s gave us a small, temporary taste of
the sociopolitical and economic consequences of expensive oil.
We passed the world oil peak in 2005, and we've been easing down the
other side by acquiring oil at the point of a gun - actually, guns are
the smallest of the many weapons we're using - paying more for oil and
destroying one culture after another as the high price of crude oil
forces supply disruptions and power outages in Third World countries.
The world peaked at 74.3 million barrels per day in May 2005. The
two-year decline to 73.2 million barrels per day produced a doubling of
the price of crude. Later this year, we fall off the oil-supply cliff,
with global supply plummeting below 70 million barrels/day. Oil at
merely $100 per barrel will seem like the good old days.
Within a decade, we'll be staring down the barrel of a crisis: Oil at
$400 per barrel brings down the American Empire, the project of
globalization and water coming through the taps. Never mind happy
motoring through the never-ending suburbs in the Valley of the Sun. In
a decade, unemployment will be approaching 100 percent, inflation will
be running at 1,000 percent and central heating will be a pipe dream.
In short, this country will be well on its way to the post-industrial Stone Age.
After all, no alternative energy sources scale up to the level of a few
million people, much less the 6.5 billion who currently occupy Earth.
Oil is necessary to extract and deliver coal and natural gas. Oil is
needed to produce solar panels and wind turbines, and to maintain the
electrical grid.
Ninety percent of the oil consumed in this country is burned by
airplanes, ships, trains and automobiles. You can kiss goodbye
groceries at the local big-box grocery store: Our entire system of food
production and delivery depends on cheap oil.
If you're alive in a decade, it will be because you've figured out how to forage locally.
The death and suffering will be unimaginable. We have come to depend on
cheap oil for the delivery of food, water, shelter and medicine. Most
of us are incapable of supplying these four key elements of personal
survival, so trouble lies ahead when we are forced to develop means of
acquiring them that don't involve a quick trip to Wal-Mart.
On the other hand, the forthcoming cessation of economic growth is
truly good news for the world's species and cultures. In addition, the
abrupt halt of fossil-fuel consumption may slow the warming of our
planetary home, thereby preventing our extinction at our own hand.
Our individual survival, and our common future, depends on our ability
to quickly make other arrangements. We can view this as a personal
challenge, or we can take the Hemingway out. The choice is ours.
For individuals interested in making other arrangements, it's time to
start acquiring myriad requisite skills. It is far too late to save
civilization for 300 million Americans, much less the rest of the
planet's citizens, but we can take joy in a purpose-filled, intimate
It's time to push away from the shore, to let the winds of change catch the sails of our leaky boat.
It's time to trust in ourselves, our neighbors and the Earth that sustains us all.
Painful though it might be, it's time to abandon the cruise ship of empire in exchange for a lifeboat.
Guy R. McPherson is a professor of conservation biology at the University of Arizona.
Hey Dave,
I followed and believed in "peak" oil for a few years but actually believe these days that it is crap...lol.....sorry!
I see it as just another way of driving up the price, Like Al Gore and his global warming bullshit.......just an excuse to hit us with a new, " justified" tax!...
Maybe it's true but I don't think society and our irresponsible ways of producing energy will last long enough to use whats left...
I see it as scare mongering.......I don't buy into the debate......
With love,
and as the song goes.....it's the end of the world as we know it....and I feel fine!
Hello Dave & Jez,
This afternoon I was watching Richard Heinburg's peak everything on youTube
Richard Heinburg's way of seeing the reality of peak oil resonates with me.
He said: "There is no hope for business as usual, we have to make our expectation meet the reality.
Coming back with reality, there will be hard time, sacrifice, in fact a sacrifice built more character,
In fact, the time will call upon the very best in the people, we still have language, we can change our consciousness and change our behavior, using the power of communication to reshape our society, talking to one another. Things like community, good work, solidarity which makes us happy not heavy consumption.The level of cooperation and contribution in society, artistry which satisfy us as human.
It is up to us to get involved in our community to be part of the transition.
This message emphasize my mission in my community and liberates me from despair.
Being a municipal councellor since 9 years, I am at the right place to do the work of transition. Because the transition is "local".
There is also "The long emergency" with James Howard Kuntsler
with love
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Hi (high) BooBoo Pretty Kitty!!!!
I've had the pleasure of seein' you dance when you're comin' through!
Don't ever stop dancin', peak oil or no peak oil,
'cause the "oil" you bring to the mix aint neva runnin' out!!!!
Chris (aka Chakramon, eyeree eyeree, one hit for you, one hit for me)
P.S. My first abrupt intro to the peak oil story was from a documentary called
"End of Suburbia". Anybody seen it?
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What a great lead Riversong!
Here is the intro to the documentary
and learning from Cuba's....
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I so love all that is being so perfectly expressed in this forum - all of it appropriate for the times we live in - all of it true. Upon finally educating myself a few years ago about so much that is going on in the world, I came to Riversong's conclusion: It would be a very good thing to remove numbers from whatever species is doing unsustainable damage to this beautiful blue planet, even if that species is our own. It was strange to find that my view alligned with Dick Cheney, the CFR, the Bilderberg Group and most international money houses like the Rothechilds (Red Shield). And then I began to learn about quantum physics, sacred geometry, zero point energy and it's coherent nature and capacity for unlimited potential, and so on and so forth. What a crazy, beautiful, wonderful ride. I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!
Like Riversong, I am now prepared to give my life at the moment that it resonates as being apparent or appropriate. Until then I will live my life extremely simply, will not be getting on any more planes, will eat vegan/vegetarian, will only be taking a shower about every 3 days (unless I do some construction and have to take a shower two days in a row, haha), and will continue to seek for ways of living even more simply.
All of us are being guided wonderfully right now, so keep doing what you are doing, keep your heart/mind listening for new good instruction, and be all you can be for the times we live in by trying to stay out of your own way. There is nothing to fear about being ready to die for the good of the whole when you already know the Whole, the One, is utterly inviolate. Yes, we may very well be required to face that moment of 3D attachment/suffering from attachment scenario, but until then we are all definitely free to have the One express itself through each of our particular vessels in diverse and beautiful ways! After all, that was the whole point of creating many vessels - to experience the One in infinite ways with infinite potential for a diversity that still finds, no matter how diverse, its home in the One....
Chris (aka Chakramon)
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I heartily and wholely agree with everything you just said Riversong! Using the thought of limitless energy to justify excessive wealth is pure nonsense and serves only the ego purporting the rationale. And to those who would lobby for bringing others up to our American living standards where we, being less than 5% of the world's population carelessly consume over 25% of available resources? What would that be - a McDonald's on every corner so even more people can be fortunate enough to die of heart dis-ease and cancer?
What I, like you I will dare to assume, hope for is we continue learning about zero point and free energy while rediscovering a sense of stewardship for this planet. If people only knew how very odd it is for a planet to end up in a life-support scenario we might not be so apt to disregard the blessing. I pray for the day when there is no escaping the pain of others and we simply can find no peace without securing the peace and security of all sentient life....
Thanks Riversong for the insight and knowledge you bring to the sandbox,
Chris (aka Chakramon)
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Dear Riversong & Stefa,
I could not agree more with the two of you. A simpler form of existence with the consciousness to increase our power, telepathy and astral projection..
However I have a question, it takes how many people to do it? As we are all interconnected, it seems we need to be a certain number to make the shift?
I am very involved in my small community about bringing consciousness. Prayers are good but
for me it has to be accompanied by actions.
Thank you
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I too see linear views of "time" as serving goal-oriented accumulations and hoarding of wealth (what a misuse of the term "wealth"). I too wonder about what percentage of the collective has to recognize what Life really is before we experience a "Whoooshhhh" form of transcension from old and tired linear paradigms designed to keep people busy for the sake of being busy. I am also excited to watch the development of quantum physics and "free energy" conscious comprehension, not because I wish to see us remain in the same linear paradigm with some new technology, but because I have a hunch that the events that are bringing religion, metaphysics and science to the same table may very well turn out to be a segway to an understanding that transcends the old ways of monopoly and leads toward the dismissal of fear of loss and a collective understanding of abundance.
We need to transcend the desire for any "thing". When we do that, abundance will become a fading and useless concept. I so long for the day we (collectively) no longer dream of the Life that is already true and just waiting to be born (again?) through conscious recognition. The paradox is as humorous as it is "scary" - no harm can ever really come to any of us, but we sure can be tempted to believe in pain and suffering and fear of loss. Definitely a thought to be shared while in a safe place where no bullets are flying past our heads.
All of this still reminds me of the "toys in the attic" scenario. We start out knowing that we are playing with the little toy soldiers in the attic, but then we get very self-involved and start believing we are the toy soldiers....
In Love, Light and Hope for Ascending the old linear illusions that always discard the Now,
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