For more info: Santa Cruz/ Monterey is slated to be sprayed June1st, and Ground
spraying of Permethrin (on private property/your property) a known
toxic pesticide, a suspected endocrine disruptor and worse. Permethrin is classified as a “potential human carcinogen” by the EPA.
Also to be ground sprayed is Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), a live
microorganism that kills certain insects and is used to kill unwanted insects in forests, agriculture, and urban areas.
PERMETHRIN is DEADLY to CATS! Help save the kitties...come out and be heard and seen to fight to Stop the Spray
San Francisco and other cities to be Sprayed August 1st
Permethrin is one of a class of insecticides known as pyrethroids. Like
other pyrethroids, permethrin kills insects by strongly exciting their
nervous systems. In mammals it has been shown to cause a wide variety
of neurotoxic symptoms including tremors, incoordination, elevated body
temperature, increased aggressive behavior, and disruption of learning
(Cox 1998). Permethrin is classified as a “potential human carcinogen” by the EPA,
and tests with human cells have shown it to be mutagenic. It is listed
as a suspected endocrine disruptor, and both estrogen-like and
antiandrogen-like effects have been observed in test animals. Studies
have shown that pyrethroid exposure may be neurotoxic during development and
that human newborns may be more sensitive to permethrin than adults.
Children exposed to permethrin have developed immune-mediated
respiratory and dermal irritation. It has also been shown to reduce
cholinesterase activity in the kidneys and livers of test animals. Permethrin is highly toxic to a wide variety of animals including honey
bees (and other beneficial insects), fish, aquatic insects, crayfish,
and shrimp. It is especially toxic to cats. Studies have shown that
most cats (96%) exposed to permethrin develop toxic effects, including
excitability, twitching, tremors, convulsions, muscular weakness, respiratory distress, vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, and death. The toxic effects of permethrin are often greatly increased when combined with other chemicals. Several studies have linked a variety of health problems (commonly referred to as Gulf War Syndrome) reported by 30,000 veterans who served in the Persian Gulf War, with exposure to a combination of permethrin, the anti-nerve gas drug pyridostigmine bromide, and the insect repellent DEET. Permethrin
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website "Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
--- Post removed at author's request ---
I just received this from Pernilla, a dear friend and co-TTeam member:
More info from about the plans to spray the Bay Area
For more info:
Santa Cruz/ Monterey is slated to be sprayed June1st, and Ground
spraying of Permethrin (on private property/your property) a known
toxic pesticide, a suspected endocrine disruptor and worse.
Permethrin is classified as a “potential human carcinogen” by the EPA.
Also to be ground sprayed is Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.), a live
microorganism that kills certain insects and is used to kill
unwanted insects in forests, agriculture, and urban areas.
PERMETHRIN is DEADLY to CATS! Help save the kitties...come out and be heard and seen to fight to Stop the Spray
San Francisco and other cities to be Sprayed August 1st
"True Accounts of the LBAM Aerial Spraying"
LBAM Takes San Francisco~ it's needed right? it's safe..right?
somethin's happening here, .. what it is ain't exactly clear...Stop
children what's that sound....
STOP THE SPRAY Pt. 1 - Panel Presentations
Lied to when called about the spraying to happen
LBAM Spray Human Health Effects Report #1
LBAM Aerial Spray - A Paper Pest~A pest on paper NOT an agriculture pest
LBAM Aerial Spray - Pilot Errors and Exclusion Sites
Illegal LBAM Spraying: Who Profits? How to Stop It?
Following the trail...the money trail, the real reason for this?
Why We Don't Want To Be Sprayed Part 1
STOP THE SPRAY Pt. 2 - Citizen Comments
DEBUNKING MOTH MYTHS - UC Scientists Speak Out
LBAM Aerial Spray / Berkeley Town Hall Meeting
Light Brown Apple Moth Spray Causes Severe Red Tide
LBAM Aerial Spray - The Real Costs
LBAM Spraying Concerns KTVU
Australia's LBAM costs...
Permethrin is one of a class of insecticides known as pyrethroids. Like
other pyrethroids, permethrin kills insects by strongly exciting their
nervous systems. In mammals it has been shown to cause a wide variety
of neurotoxic symptoms including tremors, incoordination, elevated body
temperature, increased aggressive behavior, and disruption of learning
(Cox 1998).
Permethrin is classified as a “potential human carcinogen” by the EPA,
and tests with human cells have shown it to be mutagenic. It is listed
as a suspected endocrine disruptor, and both estrogen-like and
antiandrogen-like effects have been observed in test animals. Studies
shown that pyrethroid exposure may be neurotoxic during development and
that human newborns may be more sensitive to permethrin than adults.
Children exposed to permethrin have developed immune-mediated
respiratory and dermal irritation. It has also been shown to reduce
cholinesterase activity in the kidneys and livers of test animals.
Permethrin is highly toxic to a wide variety of animals including honey
bees (and other beneficial insects), fish, aquatic insects, crayfish,
and shrimp. It is especially toxic to cats. Studies have shown that
most cats (96%) exposed to permethrin develop toxic effects, including
twitching, tremors, convulsions, muscular weakness, respiratory distress, vomiting, diarrhea,
hypersalivation, and death.
The toxic effects of permethrin are often greatly increased when combined with other chemicals.
Several studies have linked a variety of health problems (commonly referred to as Gulf War
Syndrome) reported by 30,000 veterans who served in the Persian Gulf War, with exposure to a
combination of permethrin, the anti-nerve gas drug pyridostigmine bromide, and the insect
repellent DEET.