At 6:59 pm this evening in Dallas Texas the Sun reached its climax in the journey to its northernmost aspect over the Earth. The Summer Solstice. The ancients observed it as it set in the West, but unfortunately with Daylight Savings Time, (what a farce!) it was not setting yet. Alas. But as did the ancients, I spent a while in joyful meditation as Sol touched its highest point and Gaia rested beneath Him and experienced their Climax and the conception of the New World. The energy was exquisite, the vibration was orgasmic, all because I was AWARE of the sacred movements of the very precisely timed and coordianted gyrations of our Planet and our Sun. It is all part of the Divine Clockwork of our one Infinite Creator.
Not only does our Earth and Sun dance to the heavenly music, but the whole solar system, galaxy and universe move in a ballet of coordinated splendor precisely in time with the Divine direction and planned geometry of the One. And as they dance they move irrevocably toward Ascension.
What wonder to perceive.
In the love and light of our one Infinite Creator,
Bless you for the reminder..... for the reminder to dance with the music of the spheres......
The energy multiplies if it flows through a conscious 'body'...... by being conscious at these pivotal times the energy is amplified as it wends its way towards its destination....
'Let the beauty we love be what we do'
. . . we are celebrating the Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year. It was a beautiful day today, cool, but not cold and I hope there are no clouds tonight so I can see the moon. Earlier this week there were two full moons. An optical illusion, but it lasted as long as I could see the moon. One large full moon and a smaller one, above and behind it.
Interesting. There was a tremendous amount of energy coming off this full moon. It was invigorating and exhilerating.
Love U
Kingley said,
"The energy multiplies if it flows through a conscious 'body'...... by
being conscious at these pivotal times the energy is amplified"
reminded me of something I read a while back about the crystal receptors that have been damaged on this planet and how it is up to us to become those Conscious Receptors/Antennas that fill in for the damaged ones.
We can willfully and intentionally choose to be the "Replacements" by design, as per free will, by way of Conscious Intent.
As Jim Carrey might say, "Yummie!"
Love, Chris