Hi, all.
I am a BIG Peter Gabriel fan. Just adore his music, his work, his understanding of women, and human beings in general, and think he's a hottie, besides :) Anyway, I sort of came across this song by accident today - it was embedded in a blog I was reading, and when I listened to it I was just brought to tears of joy. I could feel an incredible, tangible energy and optimism building inside me that literally felt like I could burst. So I sat at work, sobbing at my desk... no shielding at its finest. LOL
Just thought I'd share the wealth. Maybe I'm nutty, but it would be cool to know if there's anyone out there who has the same experience.
Much love and light to you!
I get that feeling from my own music / tunes I jam on with my friends. Not so much the tears but the charge up of energy for sure.
Hi Dear Ksaulino
Thank You Loved that, I enjoy this mans music, my favourite is the Passion the Last Temptation Of Christ. Find his music both spiritual and grounding.
I should have asked the real question... What music speaks to you that way? Music is so primal, I think we all have a connection to it in some way or another. I am such a crier these days... LOL... give me a good Hallmark commercial, and I'm a mess for an hour. (not quite, but close).
I had been working on the idea that certain music seems like higher vibration than other music. I know that some authors poopoo rock music, but I find that some of it has an incredible power to activate chakras. The harder rock music (think mucho testosterone music - Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Pearl Jam, etc...) seems to hit the root chakra in a way that the more ethereal "new age" music can't even touch. I think, though that it would be different for each person, so music that feels right to me, might be too distracting to others. Just testing this idea out for now. If I'm in the car, and I hear certain U2 music, if I don't start sending blessings and energy, I almost can't drive - it just builds and builds. When I DO start sending energy, I can feel the music flowing through me like a fire hose.
Now that y'all think I've lost my mind... LOL
Much love and light to you,
I have always found music to have a major effect on me and while not so much these days the music I listened to was usually pretty heavy.....I love Red hot chilli peppers, Faith no more and living color....along with pearl jam who you have already mentioned. I actually find their music has a "raw truth", and is inspirational, emotional and similar to the course in that the perceived "darker" side of life can be difficult but if you can handle it the rewards are great.....
I would also love to hear others opinions on Cat Stevens...moon shadow......I had never really listened to the words or tried to understand them until a few years ago and when I did I couldn't believe what I heard......I think he is singing about land mines...I can remember tears at the time it hit me........I'll put the words at the end of this.....
and I should probably add that while I would never do it in public ...Lol......when I dance and dream with the music my energy kicks up a level or two.....and I do cry to music, movies...so many things these days....anyone who loves dogs and a tear jerker might like to watch "Hachiko".....based on a true story, starring Richard Geer.....
Moon Shadow
Cat Stevens
I'm being followed by a moon shadow
moon shadow-moon shadow
leaping and hopping on a moon shadow
moon shadow-moon shadow
and if I ever lose my hands
lose my plough, lose my land
oh, if I ever lose my hands
oh, well...
I won’t have to work no more
and if I ever lose my eyes
If my colours all run dry
yes, if I ever lose my eyes
oh well …
I won't have to cry no more.
yes, I'm being followed by a moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
leaping and hopping on a moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
and if I ever lose my legs
I won't moan and I won't beg
oh if I ever lose my legs
oh well...
I won't have to walk no more
And if I ever lose my mouth
all my teeth, north and south
yes, if I ever lose my mouth
oh well...
I won't have to talk...
Did it take long to find me
I ask the faithful light
Ooh did it take long to find me
And are you going to stay the night
I'm being followed by a moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
leaping and hopping on a moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
moon shadow - moon shadow
Hi, Jez.
I remember that song from my earlier years - when it played regularly on the radio. I never really understood the message, but it always felt so longingly sad. It always touched me deeply. Your pointing out of the land mine theme explains it some. Cat Stephens is a beautiful man with incredible talent that for some strange reason was McCarthy-ized out of existence. Much more to say on that, that's waaayyy off topic.
I've just really started to listen and appreciate harder rock. There is an edgy truth to the music that in my younger years was lost on me. As I look my masculine side square in the face, the music makes more sense, and somehow just feels good and sexy and real. Not all of it... but much more than before. I think that also is my reaction to the dumbing down of corporate-owned radio stations that tend to only play a narrow spectrum of music. So we get Brittany Spears clones with very little talent. (Ok, hopping off my soap box.)
Josh, ya gotta post some of your music here! I can't wait to hear it.
Much love and light to you,
Hi Kathy,
I liked that song! That was in the movie Walle? I must have missed it. Although it didn’t cause any tears to flow, I definitely felt the emotion/energy build with each chorus. Excitement, anticipation and appreciation of this beautiful place we live would be the closest I could get to an explanation. Thanks for the link.
I’m with you on being moved by today’s music. Tears and root chakra charging and all! I am a fan of just about all of it. I find it pretty hard to drive at times when those REALLY good songs are playing.. Lol !! I think that is a great idea to send out that extra energy in blessings while driving. I’ll have to give it a try and see if it helps tone down my ‘car-dancing”.
I love Jay Sean’s “Do you remember” song. No matter how tired or lazy I’m feeling…. If that song starts to play… I am up…. And moving. When I am feeling bad about not being about to motivate myself to exercise I will just put on some good “can’t-sit-still-while-this-is-playing” songs and get my exercise that way.
Ever heard of Jonathan Goldman? He’s got a neat little book out titled, “The 7 Secrets of Sound Healing” that you might enjoy.
Jez – The Cat Stevens album with “Moonshadow” was the first album I ever bought. I listened to those words many, many times. I loved Cat Stevens! I always thought that was a sad but somewhat inspirational song. Kind of along the lines of… it’s not what happens to you… it’s how you handle it. He talks of losing possessions…. Such as plough and land…. And then “handling it” by saying…. Well, I just wouldn’t have to work no more… Then moves on to even more prized possessions…. Such as eyes, legs, and mouth. And instead of a sorrow at losing these… some kind of acceptance. I never really thought in depth about the meaning at the end, but it seemed to speak of something spiritual to me…..“being found” by the faithful light – and wondering if it was going to stay through the dark night.. That was what it seemed to say to me all these years…
It is interesting to hear what you found within this song.
With love,