Would you be willing to give up your cellphone to save the annihilation of birds, bees, and other life forms on Earth? Considering that we got along just fine before cellphones gained widespread use in the late 1990s, maybe it's not such a tough choice. There is also evidence suggesting brain tumors may result from long-term contact between the user's head and receiver, especially in children. http://www.rense.com/general63/FACTS.HTM (although it is officially denied by the US Government).
So is the convenience really worth the health affects? Maybe soon, when the corptocracies have crumbled, a more benign form of communication will come into being. In the meantime, be aware that if you're using a cellphone everyday, you're affecting not only your health, but also that of numerous species and populations. ~ Noa
Mobile towers hurting biological systems of birds: Study
NEW DELHI: Electromagnetic radiation ( EMR) from mobile towers was interfering with the biological systems of birds, a study released by the environment ministry said and called for a law for the protection of flora and fauna.
"The review of existing literature shows that the EMRs are interfering with the biological systems in more ways than one and there had already been some warning bells sounded in the case on bees and birds, which probably heralds the seriousness of this issue and indicates the vulnerability of other species as well," the study found.

The ministry in September 2010 had constituted a 10-member committee under Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) director Asad Rahmani to study the impact of mobile phone towers on birds and bees and formulating guidelines for their installations.
The expert group reviewed 919 studies done in India and abroad on the ill effects of mobile towers in animal, birds and insects. Of the 919 studies, the team found that 593 showed the negative impact of mobile towers on birds, bees, human, wildlife and plants.
Quoting from an international study that radio frequency pollution appears to constitute a potential cause for the decline of animal populations, it said there was urgent need to focus more scientific attention to this area before it would be too late.
The committee highlighted that studies from India on the impact of cell phone tower radiation on birds and wildlife are almost nonexistent.
Nearly 800 million Indians have mobile phones, making it the second largest mobile phone-subscriber population in the world after China.
"At present, there are nearly 15 companies providing mobile telephony. However, necessary regulatory policies and their implementation mechanism have not kept pace with the growth of mobile telephony," it said.
The expert group suggested introducing a law for the protection of urban flora and fauna from emerging threats of electromagnetic radiation.
"To prevent overlapping high radiations fields, new towers should not be permitted within a radius of one kilometre of existing towers. If new towers must be built, construct them to be above 80 feet and below 199 feet ... to avoid the requirement for aviation safety lighting," it said.
The groups also suggested displaying bold signs and messages on the dangers of cell phone tower and radiation which is emitted from it in and around the structures where the towers are erected.
"Strictly control installation of mobile towers near wildlife protected areas, important bird areas, turtle breeding areas, bee colonies and zoos up to a certain distance that should be studied before deciding and should also be practical," it said.
The group called for putting the locations of cell phone towers and other radiating towers along with their frequencies in public domain. "Public consultation to be made mandatory before installation of cell phones towers in any area," it added.
B. Blake Levitt talks about the widespread effects of EMFs on our planet, from a thoroughly-documented, scientific perspective. She also understands the nature of people and animals and explains how frequencies from cellphones, wireless computers, and microwaves, etc. are interfering with our natural electromagnetic fields.
When asked about the effects on bees specifically, Levitt cites documentation that show conclusively that EMFs contribute, along with other factors, to colony collapse disorder. Why should you care? Without bees to pollinate plants, Levitt says, the world population would die out in 2 - 3 years!
To listen to her 49 minute interview, go to http://electromagnetichealth.org/audio-archives-and-more/#levitt Scroll halfway down the page to "What's Happening in Nature."
~ Noa
What’s Happening in Nature?
B. Blake Levitt
Award-winning science journalist and Author, Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer’s Guide To The Issues And How To Protect Ourselves, the classic book in this field.
Member, Bioelectromagnetics Society.
Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves
Excerpt edited by author:
Based on superficial media reports a few years back, many people think that the issue of safety regarding exposures to electromagnetic fields has been settled in favor of EMFs and that we have nothing to worry about. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Researchers in bioelectromagnetics and biophysics have continued to observe alarming studies across a range of frequency exposures that are common in our everyday lives, especially with wireless products such as cell phones, cell towers and wireless laptop computers. The American press is largely unaware of this new body of research, coming primarily from European countries.
The human race has never before in its evolutionary history been exposed to such fields on a continuous basis, and there are serious mounting concerns about the effects not just on individuals but on our entire ecosystem. Since the turn of the last century and increasingly since the early 1940’s with the development of radar during World War II, the rapid growth of radio, TV broadcasting, and especially the new wireless infrastructure needed to support all manner of wireless devices, has surrounded us in a veritable sea of artificially produced electromagnetic fields all with a presumption of safety that many now think should never have been made.
In the light spectrum alone, there is so much artificially generated light on earth today that a person can literally read outside at night in almost any major city. By anyone’s reckoning, that’s an altered environment and a nascent area of study has developed to look at the effects of light-at-night not just on humans but to other species as well, many of which are exquisitely sensitive to low-level electromagnetic fields. Many people who are born and raised in urban areas never get a real glimpse of natural starlight or experience the backlit silver luminescence of the winter landscape when there is snow on the ground and a full moon in a clear night sky. Instead, whole generations now experience night light as the grotesque red-orange glow of sodium-vapor street lights, the same color that used to alert distant neighbors that a huge fire had broken out.
A mere fifty years ago, none of this was so. The earth today is literally blanketed with a range of artificially generated frequencies throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The radio/microwave frequencies have proliferated at an alarming rate and continue to do so, unchallenged by our regulatory agencies. And most environmentalists do not understand this for the serious, complex pollutant that it surely is.
“Other Authors have dealt with EMF questions, but none with the clarity and evenhandedness of B. Blake Levitt. This book avoids the extremes of over-dramatization and understatement and delivers the important information in a cool and lively manner.”
"If you are looking for the plain, unvarnished truth and the best available advice, this is one book you should not miss." --Robert O. Becker, M.D., Biomedical sciences consultant; co-author of The Body Electric (with Gary Selden), and author of Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, The Promise of Electromedicine.
If only I owned one. proud to say I have not (ever owned one)...
For some time now I have had it in mind to give up as many unnecessary modern conveniences as possible for a number of reasons well known and understood by the enlightened sense and sensibilities here at the G-Spot and other like-minded communities.
One of those reasons is because I do not want to experience the psychological pain of the loss of such unnecessary modern conveniences when we have a CME event at some point which is not really an if, but when in my estimation, but primarily because we are destroying the quality of life for so many other species on the planet with such things.
It so friggin' blows me away to think that we, living here on Earth in this amazing and wonderful biodiversity, are literally the only species that this biodiversity does not require, and we are the ones destroying it.
It just plain doesn't get more ironic and absurd than that...
I'm sure that other more advanced Humaniod cultures are patiently waiting to see if we are one of the dumb ones or one of the smart ones that figure it out in time...