december 21

December 21, 2012. What now?

With the variety of predictions about this auspicious day -- from cataclysms to spontaneous transformation -- it's no wonder many people are disillusioned when the day passes like any ordinary one.  I have maintained that this particular winter solstice is important because of the Earth's position in the cosmos. 

I like what Matthew has to say about it.  I hope this helps...


Rainbow Bridge Meditation


Dr. Jose Arguelles has initiated so many projects for peace, that I wonder why I haven't heard his name before now.  He is also a promoter of the "natural" 13-month, 28-day calendar. Now, Dr. Arguelles is uniting earth's people with a weekly Rainbow Bridge Mediation.  I hope you'll join us. ~ Noa


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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"