
Pertinent information from the founders of Project Camelot.Org

Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Spirit.
I urge you to download this mp3 audio recording and listen to it.  I believe that it is important and urgent information regarding what we as a nation and as a world may be experiencing in the next months or weeks.  We have been hearing much similar information in rece

Futuretalk with Michael St Clair: Project Camelot

I've been watching the first half of this 2-part discussion and find it informational, inspiring, hopeful, and realistic about the times we are moving through just now.

Hope you enjoy and find this helpful in your thinking and transformational work.


We Stand on the Threshold of Magnificent Changes

My dear Friends,
Below you will read the channeling of Diane of Sirius by Mike Quinsey. It says plainly, with love and compassion what we need to know at this time of our earth's development. I believe all is moving forward as it must.
WIth God's Love and Blessings to all,
Carl Azcar 

Diane  06-February-2008


The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"