After you watch this, forward it to everyone you know who has "even a 20% open mind" as Richard Falk of the UN Human Rights Fact Finding Commission puts it. If large numbers of citizens of the United States and Israel watch this documentary we will have peace in the Middle East in very short order.
Thank you so much, Linda, for this deeply moving story of the plight of both factions. How have the Israeli's become so militant after the Holocaust except to have become the hatred itself? The Palestinians, in their resistance, are hardening their hatred. Such a lesson for all of us and the direction so well presented in this video.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" (Ghandi) remains the onus for all of us and not to be taken lightly.
After the documentation of the confused state of humanity, juxtapose that with this video of what can be. It gave me hope. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fbX4NJE6bE
Have been listening to another 12 part series of interview with Gregg Braden in which he talks about the Divine Matrix - very inspiring and mentions several proofs concerning the power of strong emotional intention. It was also Gregg that mentioned (in another interview) another very inspiring equation concerning the power of collective focused intent - that it, applied Consciousness and the power of Unity, is so extremely powerful that it only requires the square root of 1% of any population of any planet, country, city, town, neighborhood, etc. to act in consistent focused meditating agreement to effect qualitative change.
Here are the first 3 segments
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.1
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.2
YouTube - The Divine Matrix: Gregg Braden Pt.3
Thank you Linda and Chris for posting such a texture of confusion and hope of which I have just been emerging with the direct experience of ecstatic states of such a heart opening that I feel I can't expand anymore. And it continues to happen again and again until it is a seamless love. Its been difficult to negotiate language right now although I feel assured that a balance will emerge and I can convey this experience better, maybe once its integrated.
There has been no limit to this opening, even in the face of my inner resistance I expand and there is no going back even if I wanted to. I so wish to articulate this, but suffice to say...I have been having a direct experience of everthing that all of the wisdom traditions and the contemporary channelers have been pointing toward. Its REAL!
Namaste !!!!
this particular clip is Alex Grey sharing a drug-induced mind altering experience that relates to the expansion of Consciousness you describe Tricia, and then the next clip is the 1st segment of a wonderful interview on Coast to Coast with Graham Hancock where he describes the processes used by the Shamans to bring themselves to harmonically tuned state that reaches into the 3rd world. This also relates to your experiences of late I believe.
Let me know what you think...
YouTube - Alex Grey on Ayahuasca
YouTube - Shamanism Aliens & Ayahuasca : Graham Hancock Pt.1
Thanks Chris,
I'm familiar with Alex's art and herbal use from the Integral Institute and Hancock from the great book; Fingerprints of the Gods.
I sat with the natives in the Southwest and had some openings that were related to plant use and the experiences became very useful to me. What I am experiencing now is a prolonged expansion that is very grounded in the mindfulness of whatever experience is immediate. It has been sustained by my willingness to be patient and kind with myself and to approach every experience with a playful curiosity, allowing it to move me through all avenues of perception and to just sit and be with the uncomfortable feelings as well as the delicious ones with gentle equanimity. These moments used to be part of meditation that would suddenly break into my life activities and then be lost when my mind would conceptualize the experience. Lovingkindness for myself has been the opening and the suspension of disbelief for the expansive movement of wholeness that is who I AM. Patience and gentle humor have been the guides back to the Oneness when I am lost in discursive thought.
It is a constant unfolding of a rich texture of emotions, senses and insights of which I have learned to not interfere because it is true, good and beautiful and I love myself in all of my foibles. This is my way of not-a-way and whatever allows us to treat ourselves with the respect of gentle lovingkindness is just okeedokee with me.
Love ya Chris!
I believe I know you well enough now to know that you are not one to overcook the description of experience, thus making your above description all the more delightful and inspiring.
"It has been sustained by my willingness to be patient and kind with
myself and to approach every experience with a playful curiosity,
allowing it to move me through all avenues of perception and to just
sit and be with the uncomfortable feelings as well as the delicious
ones with gentle equanimity. These moments used to be part of
meditation that would suddenly break into my life activities and then
be lost when my mind would conceptualize the experience"
You have given some very insightful clues to the process of return, from concept and illusion back to just Being. On my way into work I saw a man pushing a shopping cart full of "stuff", maybe misc. firewood, and my tendency to conceptualize had me thinking something negative, like "poor guy", and then I remembered that we are part of One Creator that finds delight in absolutely every experience, through all avenues and vessels, and at that moment it was I who was missing that point and then regaining it in remembrance of One so damn secure that nothing scares It - nothing makes It feel insecure - the epitomy of unassailable sacred security that cannot Be anything but, and then to remember that I have that inherent in me, as do you, as does the man walking home with a shopping cart full of whatever.
After listening to Graham Hancock talk of the difference between the Western culture and the South American Shamans, that the Shamans learn to retain the process that delivers the fulness of experience, while we in the West go to schools and colleges to retain degrees that promise some employer that we have memorized the status quo rote and academic rhetoric that insures we be a good choice for the job. Any experiences akin to the focused intent of the Shaman's is merely coincidental and quite fortunate.
We have much to learn from these Shamans. I remember hearing John Perkins ask the Dalai Lama who is the 14th, and presumably the last according to the Buddhist writings, "If you are the last, what is to become of the Buddhist spiritual authority in Tibet?", and the Dalai, with a serene smile on his lovely face said, "I believe it is moving to South America John".... It will take this type of learning to help a world return to a better path immersed in experiential knowledge that relates to so much that the quantum mechanics physicists are discovering right now. All things are coming together quite nicely I think. Loving you back and cherishing, as always, the time I am blessed with to spend in and with y-our co-creating mind and heart.
Love/Light, Chris