
Even if you have 'seen it already,' watch it again. It is such an inspiration.
Have fun.
Even if you have 'seen it already,' watch it again. It is such an inspiration.
Have fun.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"
That is an awesome clip, Arabella! Thanks for sharing it. I think this one might be good in the course. What do others think?
With sacred love flowing,
I think this would be a wonderful addition to the course material, Fred.
Love & light,
Penny :-)
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Awesome clip - very moving (both in emotional and off-your-butt kind of ways). I'm looking forward to watching the whole movie.
Lots of love,
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Not only do I agree this would be a great addition to the course material, Fred, but I also think it would be a perfect fit for lesson 3.
In peace and joy,
P.S.: I was not able to post my photo along with the comment, I thought it would come automatically...
Can anybody tell me how to do that?
I totally agree - this movie clip should be somewhere in the TT course, and then maybe there can be some mention of the left-wing gatekeepers agenda (in a later lesson), a phenomenon that has shocked many of us as we watched in disbelief as we saw some of our political heros drink the kool aid of the manufactured dissent designated parameters of acceptability and corporate media protocol. Too peculiar for all of it to be just a random set of coincidences.
Here's to Goofy Grape,
Hi Lesley,
Just wanted to weigh in on your post so that you can see that some know exactly what you are talking about. My first real awakening concerning this left-wing gatekeeper paradigm was listening to Michel Chossudovsky speak at McMaster University in Ottawa, Canada in 2003. There is a DVD that can be found at the Snowshoe Films website that has his lecture and then a segment specifically dedicated to manufactured dissent and how the parameters set on this political psyops ruse does successfully contain the majority of people who would consider themselves free thinkers working outside the box, while they remain well within the designed parameters of manufactured dissent. I was so disappointed to find that Al Gore is pretty much bought and sold, not to mention his daughter's (Karenna) marriage into the Schiff family, and that what Gore may be doing is perpetuating the global warming scare tactic to prepare the world community for accepting the carbon credits world tax agenda of the new globalisation paradigm being developed. I know that there is global warming happening, but we are not being told the whole story which would include the sun is getting hotter (the icecaps on Mars, a planet further out than Earth, are shrinking) and the development of weather modification has given those aiming to retain full spectrum dominance a way to trump the threat of nuclear war. So while the anti-nuclear peace movement is working hard to outlaw nukes by 2020, our military is preparing to make their wish come true and disarm the nukes by 2020 because they will (do) have a weather modification technology (like the HAARP ionospheric heaters) that will be their ace in the hole, a technology that has the potential of keeping less cooperative nations in line or face the consequences, i.e. droughts, floods, earthquakes. I dont mention all this to create the boogie man mentality. I am in complete agreement with the wonderfully balanced course I too just recently finished. I just believe that we owe it to ourselves to be aware of all that is going on as we calmly retain the knowledge that those involved with nefarious projects and monopolistic intentions are very much our beloved brothers and sisters that will ultimately give up on this insane separation paradigm illusion and find their way home and that is how we need to "see them" as we continue on our journey. I was also disappointed by Noam Chomsky and Amy Goodman too. Something residing in the silent hideous backround - controllers pulling strings that good people like Noam and Amy must be feeling absolutely compelled to obey or lose there place in the pecking order. Bilderberger annual meetings to discuss changes and adjustments to the development of despotic globalisation and world leaders and geopolitical policy. We are way past conspiracy theories now. For the most part they are all but flaunting their agenda in our pretty little faces because they have noticed for some time that people seem to just not be very concerned about all of it. I am confident that there are Loving forces in this universe/multiverse that do calmly trump all the dark illusions of these days we are living in, but I contend that we would do well to be aware of all that is going on, if for no other reason then to just be aware. As for the clip, I have not watched it yet, but am looking forward to it because of all the inspiring comment on it.
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Hi Lesley!
Don't do it for the Al Gores, Schiffs, Rothchilds, Rockefellers and Olbermanns - do it for you! Put it this way - if you allow your image of Al Gore to adversely influence your ability or willingness to love, then he has hurt you twice. Once without your permission and once with your consent. Primarily, we don't forgive to be kind to others - we forgive to avoid the self-inflicted stumbling blocks that are always the result of not forgiving. Think of it as a savvy chess move that always wins the game. Do you really want Al Gore to get away with whatever he is consciously doing, and beat you at chess too?
Its the right move 'cause its the right move for you - on some level you already know this...
Oh, and concerning Keith Olbermann, he is obviously an established and quite favored slice of the manufactured dissent of the day. Have you noticed how much influence The Daily Show's success has had on the other "news" shows? It is fun to watch these shows when you begin to have a better fix on what is actually going on between creating an entertaining news program that will win the ratings war and fulfill the agenda of dumbing down and stay within the allowed guidelines of manufactured dissent. Ancient empires called it "Bread and Circuses"
Concerning Keith's attack on those comments made about 9-11 - She was exactly right about about it. Previous to 9-11 their had been two attempts for permits to "pull" the towers. Denied both times because of the asbestos dilemma, and the cost of taking the towers down any other way would have been outrageously cost prohibitive - not to mention that there was an ongoing problem with the aluminum exterior's corroding connections to the steel structure... What's left? Terrorists plot to strike at the financial heart of America!!! YeeHaaaw
Even Jon Stewart, who I absolutely and dearly love and appreciate, is being pretty careful about staying within the prescribed guidelines. What I love about Jon is his gift of subtle wit that really drives a point home without blurting it out.
You were filled with fear and anger at the time you came to wanttoknow too? The course was a life saver for me. I was so disgusted, fearful and pissed that I was just spending time learning more about it and preparing myself for the upcoming shit storm. What we are learning here wont make the shit storm go away, but it sure helps us become aware of many very beautiful things going on in a world where I once only saw darkness. Give yourself a chance to pick up on this during your interaction on the portal and your continued education about micro loans, NGO's, free energy technology, quantum physics discoveries, and on and on. Remain aware of the dark things, but begin balancing that knowing with more knowing of some wonderful things going on too, if for no other reason then to keep you from getting sick.
Absolutely LOVE your participation!
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Hi Stefa,
Sorry about the misunderstanding. I totally see what you are saying now and how your friends have been looking at and acting upon that info for years. They sound like the kind of people I would love to meet and hang out with, but then I would probably sound like the new convert that cannot shut up about how excited he is about all of this and would drive them nuts. As far as things moving too slow and too much talk/not enough action - that's frustrating stuff, but I think we are making a parabolic move toward a shift that will be much like a volcano. Lies dormant for years and then BOOM.
Keep your spirits up!
Chris, the excited newbie
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I totally agree with you about a few out there pissing in the wind. We really get the experiential knowledge of that when we're the one(s) doin' the pissin'. I am so glad you want to further explore what we can more efficiently do as citizens of the One. I was all over this subject Saturday - couldn't get my mind off it until I wrote down my "BLAH BLAH" thoughts. Let me preface this with telling you I am so "right there" with you on this frustration thing and have been for the whole of this village idiot presidency/administration here in the US. In fact, I don't know that I can say I had very long to live with the frame of mind I was liberally indulging. I had gotten to the point where I just wanted the shit to hit the fan and let that send a message to all the idiots who purposefully have no friggin' idea what it is to be a real self-sacrificing patriot - and these days, that HAS TO MEAN patriot citizen of this global community. Maybe good steward would be a better word than patriot. Anyway, all this pseudo-patriotic magnetic "support the troops" bumper sticker SUV idiots who just plain don't get it was driving me mad insane and I just wanted them to suffer grievously for their proud flatulent ignorance. I wanted those who would allow torture to be waterboarded! The TT lessons I took to heart, along with much learned about quantum mechanics and free energy have been a literal lifesaver for me. I know this is a very common story from some of the posts I've read. With the new knowledge I have gained and the consolidation of other sources, this is what I proposed to myself and I share it here with you:
I am running out of what's left of my youthful angst pissed energy I have spent a lot of time indulging in, so age, faith and new information is forcing my hand to look for a more efficient way to let energy flow through me. I see us as receptors that have a constant flow of energy running through us and the free will ability to either cooperate with or disregard that flow. With that in mind, it stands to reason that we can use loving INTENT and appreciation for what is already inviolate and victorious right where we sit or stand, wherever we are, at any time we wish. I believe we now have enough evidence to prove this power of intent is not a foolish notion, but our most powerful (dare I say) weapon. When I get angry or pissed, my ego is winning the battle for terror-tory in my mind. This shuts down my mind's cooperation with and recognition of that everlasting flow river of light that travels through us whether we are paying appreciative attention or not. Since that energy is an utterly loving and gracious host, it requires our free will willingness of intent to activate that energy to cause transformation. Therefore, we always have/had the ability to "do something about it" no matter what "it" is, wherever we are and at any time by projecting confident intent and breathing love into this world and thereby do our part to help change the collective dream that got us into this damn mess in the first place. That is something we ALL can do with heart/mind instead of the body, and may very well be our most powerful method for transformation. If I spend any time thinking "how bad things are and why don't more people get it", I'm freely choosing to reinforce a temporal and dying dream/nightmare and willfully disregarding the truth that ever waits patiently for my cooperation. As my wife Kerry said to me when I read this to her, "It all comes down to doing the right thing, no matter what anybody else is doing". She said to me, "Imagine your biggest hero in this life and then ask yourself, what would she/he/it do? That keeps "you" out of the equation and provides a more dependable route to discovering what the "right thing to do" is." I absolutely love this subject because, with things being the way they are right now, it is one of the only things I want to be thinking about and personally activating during these days. To be "sucked in" to thinking about what others are or are not doing is always a cheap trick of the ego who ever seeks it's unattainable autonomy - and is, therefore, a total waste of our time...
In Love, Light and Confident Hope for that which, in reality, has need of nothing and awaits our return to understanding,
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Hi Stefa, Chris, Lesely, and others involved in this powerful conversation. Great stuff!!! On a deep soul level, I truly believe that we all are co-creating everything that happens. Every one of us is somehow involved in creating everything that happens. And when we fight against anything, we are fighting against ourselves. When instead, we try to accept and understand what is causing everything that we perceive, the veils begin to fall. When we set a deep intention to support everyone in being the best they can be and to love every being in the universe no matter what, life cannot help but transform.
Am I saying that we actually create our own reality? Yes and no. It is not that our mind literally creates our physical reality. It is rather than our internal world interacts with our perceived external world to create our personal reality. Each of our collective internal beliefs, with all of their contradictions, interact through our conscious mind with our perceptions of the external world to create our personal reality. When we change our perceptions of the world around us, the world is transformed. When we choose to connect through love above all else, our internal and external world cannot help but powerfully transform. Isn't that one of the main reasons we are all here sharing, loving, and inspiring each other in this forum?
Thanks again for sharing so beautifully and I welcome your thoughts.
With sacred love flowing,
I guess we could look at it this way - the time for civil disobedience will most likely be thrust upon us fairly soon, so we can kind of look at focused intent and breathing love as being pro-actively in a state of preparation for that physical involvement that is probably imminent. This big pimple is about to burst and it could get pretty ugly, so keep your lamp full of oil and your wick trimmed. Your gonna need it in the dark streets of civil disobedience and unrest. As far as how to jump start a process of civil disobedience that will attract the numbers required to create credibility, all the successful leaders of similar movements seem to be those like Gandhi who were resigned to going it alone if need be, and that resolute nature is what ultimately attracted his followers.
Hi Stefa,
Something you said about friends yawning, "all of my friends who saw 'What the Bleep' thought it was a big yawn because it was old hat for them" really caught my eye. Does a subject (like Down the Rabbit Hole) become trivialized by a large enough group's common knowledge of its existence, while slowly lose their ability to appreciate the beautiful and wonderful conclusions quantum physics makes plain? I truly believe the magic of simple clarification boils down to spontaneous appreciation of the Divine Coherent nature of Nature at it's bedrock core. I plan to dine on that for the rest of my life! We baby boomers have had it so dog gone good, I fear we may have become blinded and desensitized by our good fortune - the obvious down side to arbitrarily and easily attained good fortune. We start thinking we deserve it! The art of appreciation is the pathway to restoring true knowledge. All else will take care of itself in the Divine process. As for the rotten cake take on things (man, is it ever rotten), you still have your God Self-given ability to seek reason for appreciation while we are in this shit storm of insanity. That can never be taken from you - only you can give that up.
Hey Fred!
Although I agree wholeheartedly with all that Stefa, Leslie and I are discussing, thank you so much for your post that lends toward balance. I was driving in to work this morning and happened to remember that I had not thought of the simple exercise of breathing Love in a few days and thought, "Man, I cannot afford to let that little discipline fade away". What I am finding is that certain "individuals" are being strongly compelled to scream truth to power because the Heart is leading and the sound comes out different through different vessels. What I am very confident of is many are getting the calling and we must honor all ways that sound comes from all trumpets receiving the urgent call from that same Heart. There is only One - therein lies our safety and confidence as we prepare for whatever. As the Zen Buddhist Priest will say every time, "What's the difference?"
Here's to blowing horns on que and breathing Love between blasts,
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