Taboo Subject?
Hi, all.
I got some difficult news this morning from the school social worker that has me on my heels, and I am hoping to get a bit of sound advice and counsel from you...
Hi, all.
I got some difficult news this morning from the school social worker that has me on my heels, and I am hoping to get a bit of sound advice and counsel from you...
I am alot of things, but one of the best of them is 'Mom'. When I look at where my life has been spent there is not a more rewarding title I could ever have earned. I was a 'stay at home' mom, not by choice but by necessity.
What Is Butt
I don't think many people in this group are among the people I see that have their cell phones against their heads for a major part of the day. However, if you are one of those people, maybe you can consider using speakerphone or a headset as much as possible.
Even if you have 'seen it already,' watch it again. It is such an inspiration.
Have fun.
I first learned the term Indigo Child when my daughter was tiny - meaning almost 15 years ago. It explained many things about my precocious children, and resonated with me. Eventually with further research and reflection I realized that I myself am an Indigo, born rather before the current crop that most folks think of when they hear the word. I realize that Indigos have always existed, j
I can no longer find where I downloaded this from, but the website said it was a fairy tale from Croatia and I really liked the music in this cute story. (It's about 12 mins long).
Grab your popcorn!
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"