
George Bush's Resume

He will be available in January 2009, and is willing to relocate.



1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 20520


Law Enforcement:
I was  arrested in Kennebunkport ,   Maine , in 1976 for driving
under the influence of alcohol. I pleaded guilty, paid a fine, and had my driver's license
suspended for 30 days. My   Texas driving record has been 'lost' and is not

A Rant I Like

There's a guy named Frosty Woolridge whose screeds occasionally show up on Rense.com.  Generally, I tend to think he's a nut job.  Sometimes I agree with what he's saying, sometimes I can't even figure out what he's saying.  Tonight I came across his latest essay, which is so well-put that I'm just going to copy and paste.  This is what is on so many folks' minds but they're afraid to say i

The Future of the Internet

I wish I never found articles like this one just before going to bed at night!  According to the Pentagon, the Internet should be considered an "enemy weapons system."  The Department of Offense is blunt about its concerns.  Particularly worrying to them is the unfettered spread of ideas - what you and I know as freedom of speech.  Apparently their plan is for the current web to &

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"