
John Taylor Gatto at the 2009 Liberty Forum

John Taylor Gatto brings to light the extent to which children have been enslaved by our current educational system and how this system has been used as a tool to enslave us all.

It's a long talk and his voice is going so it's not always easy to hear but I felt it was worthwhile to listen to the end. It was moving to see his reaction to his own talk - I seemed to be in tears after finishing it.


Gotta Love It

This was posted at AstroVera.  I reckon the story's apocryphal, but you never can tell...

On first day
of school at a US
high school the teacher introduces a new student called Akito Suzuki, son
of a Japanese business man.

Ross Perot charts now online

For those who have missed the common sense analysis of issues Ross Perot provided in 1992 and 1996, here is his web page. After being extremely quiet for over a decade, he decided to participate again in this time of national crisis.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"