
Sending Healing Energy - Effective or Invasive?

My original post was about DNA research as done by the Russians and has now turned into a discussion on whether it is effective, invasive, intrusive or a plain waste of time, to send healing energy to people. Before the abovementioned post goes totally off the point I thought it might be interesting to start a post on discussing energy.

Editorial: The End Of The World As We Know It

Found this editorial at the Arizona Republic. It pretty closely reflects my views of what's happening in the 3D world. Don't forget to stock up on water purification tablets.


The New Dawn of Solar - Popular Science Magazine

Imagine a solar panel without the panel. Just a coating, thin as a layer of paint, that takes light and converts it to electricity. From there, you can picture roof shingles with solar cells built inside and window coatings that seem to suck power from the air.

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