
Did We Invent God?
Interesting series... Through the Wormhole.

Questions About Life
Is evil ever good?
Is nonsense ever truth?
Are chemtrails and GMOs teaching us how not to be or are some of us beyond such lessons?
Does greed and war serve a purpose or are they anti-everything that is divinely designed to be?
And is it right to accept such awful things as just another way for life to express itself?
Can causing death ever promote life?
What if people lived through their hearts?
Would we allow a more beautiful world to exist?

Touching the God Dimension
Dear beautiful Gathering Spot friends,

Awareness as an answer
Dear Everyone,
Fred suggested that I post the below as a separate forum topic, although it was he who called if forth as a response (slightly edited here) to his post under this same forum titled "Inner Pioneers: We ask questions from the inside out." Thanks, Fred. It's wonderful that we can all call forth things from one another to share. It's as if (or maybe actually) we're all just nodes of the same conscious Being, wishing to be more conscious.

The Interview with God

Angel at the Post Office
I know this story has been circulating for awhile. I received it for the second time in a recent email. I was still deeply moved by reading it. And I wanted to share it here. More details here.
In gratitude, joy, and love
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"