Everybody's scared of "The Globalists." They are those who wish dominion over the whole world. In their fantasy, government will exist primarily to support the bankers and corporations, and keep the rest of us enslaved. Ain't gonna happen.
World Government is the boogie man. But let's stop and think a minute. Wouldn't a lot of problems be solved by a worldwide central authority? Wouldn't wars pretty much stop? Wouldn't worldwide free trade be a good thing? I don't wish to go into the reasons why we're all scared of globalism, but I do want to point out a trend.
The beginning of human society was the clan or extended family group. In the hunter-gatherer days, there were limits on the size of groups. If a clan got too big, it split so that the group would not overwhelm local resources. Groups of clans formed tribes. When agriculture spread and it became necessary to stay in one place to tend crops, villages formed. Somewhere along the line war was invented. Then people needed protection. Walled cities emerged. The early city-states were nearly self-contained. They formed alliances of course, and soon there were kingdoms. Ambitious kings turned their kingdoms into empires.
All of this is tremendously oversimplified of course, but the point is that one feature of history has been larger and larger organizational units. There have already been attempts to form a world authority - I'm thinking mainly of the UN - and currect experiments with nation-joining are taking place in Europe, soon to be followed by North America and Asia. I believe that world government is an inevitability. I also believe it's potentially a problem-solver.
The question is, who will lead us into a world society? The Neocons have already applied for the job, but they're not qualified. The Baha'i Faith has the Universal House of Justice in Haifa, Israel, which they believe will ultimately lead the world. Most religions have an element that believes in world conquest. I'm thinking we can come up with something a lot more holistic and a lot more relevant.
Someone's going to do it, that's for sure. Just a little food for thought.
Hey Dave,
"All of this is tremendously oversimplified of course," yeah ....just playing with thoughts........
I see it a little different.......
"Everybody's scared of "The Globalists."
I am not scared!..............., I just believe it is the wrong way to go......
"In their fantasy, government will exist primarily to support the bankers and corporations, and keep the rest of us enslaved. Ain't gonna happen."
While not from a world government I asure you this is the state of things down under, example, 20 million Australian's will pay $10 billion in bank "fees" this year.....rediculous fees.....bullshit fees.........one council here wanted to charge rent on the ground you stand on when using automatic teller machines, ...........they have sold off all of our "assets", power, gas, water is next....we had a 15 percent price rise this year on power and gas, across the board......the drought's fault?..........they create mini monopolies everywhere, for who?, for business!.....not for us, the people........our government has not been on "our" side for a long time.....
I don't believe a "world government" would or ever will be the answer. Even if they create it. We would still have borders, national identity etc that won't change.......we would just get another level of "corupt" government on top of the ones we have now. I don't believe it would stop wars or anything else, wars are about control, power and money. World government won't change that. Companies are now bigger, economically, than many countries, so the companies will go to war,............. for power, control and money.........
You are totally correct when you say we have been naturally evolving into larger and larger institutions. I think it is also true to say that we have been going the wrong way all that time. We have the example, we have lived that way, I think it has failed us. It is time for a new direction.........
"Someone's going to do it, that's for sure. Just a little food for thought."
I agree someone it is going to "try" it.........I think it will rightly fail........but we will see, you may be right, I just hope not....
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I really appreciate your thoughts and insights! Jez, you're right that the Elite is well on the way to implementing their plan of impoverishment and oversight. I do recognize that as bad as it is in some ways here in the US, in some ways it's just as bad or worse elsewhere. The EU with codex, the Brits with their omnipresent cameras, and the kleptocracy has taken root everywhere. But I also agree with Aquene - I do believe the forces of Light are at work in the very heart of the Dark Side. If not, times may become dark indeed.
Thank you so much for sharing your insights. Like you Jez, I believe the road we're currently on is the wrong one. Like Aquene, I think that the intent is what determines whether a global authority would be a good thing. I can envision an elnightened civilization, and I can envision a nightmare.
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I believe that in our inexorable momentum to awaken to our non-dual awareness and our universal brother/sisterhood an inevitable phase will be recognizing our inextricable global interconnectedness with the environment (our external metabolism) and with one another. It seems to me that this nascent awareness within human consciousness is being exploited by the globalists to advance their own, separatist, agenda.
Awakening as a species is like all of us learning a new language, more or less together--we haven't done this before; it is inevitable that we will mispronounce. And it seems obvious that in fifty or five hundred years, we will be a lot clearer about who and what we are and our destiny, together.
I confess that sometimes "they" scare me; until I remember that "they" are just their version of the one I am.
With love & blessings,
It seems to me that this nascent awareness within human consciousness is being exploited by the globalists to advance their own, separatist, agenda.
John, I hadn't really considered that. Good call! Now that we know we can work against it. Whoops! I meant we can work FOR unity and progress!
I confess that sometimes "they" scare me; until I remember that "they" are just their version of the one I am.
It took me a long time to understand this, and the Transformation Course helped hugely. Once I understood this, it was a lot easier to see the Divine at work in everything.
Thanks for pointing these things out!