Everybody's scared of "The Globalists." They are those who wish dominion over the whole world. In their fantasy, government will exist primarily to support the bankers and corporations, and keep the rest of us enslaved. Ain't gonna happen.
World Government is the boogie man. But let's stop and think a minute. Wouldn't a lot of problems be solved by a worldwide central authority? Wouldn't wars pretty much stop? Wouldn't worldwide free trade be a good thing? I don't wish to go into the reasons why we're all scared of globalism, but I do want to point out a trend.
I first learned the term Indigo Child when my daughter was tiny - meaning almost 15 years ago. It explained many things about my precocious children, and resonated with me. Eventually with further research and reflection I realized that I myself am an Indigo, born rather before the current crop that most folks think of when they hear the word. I realize that Indigos have always existed, j
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