My band shot our first ever music video, and it's now up on youtube. It was inspired by the Andy Pero story.... I would imagine a lot of you around here are familiar with it, but if not, look it up! Anyway, it's loud, fast, punk rock. This is far from the only kind of music I like but it's what my band does best. Hope you enjoy.
Awesome! Green Day entree with a dash of Clash,
followed by a hit of hash on da volcano-ohhhhhhhhh
Thanks for the musical gift!
Made my day!!!!
Love/Light, Chris
p.s. let's go live!!!
YouTube - The Horseshoe Spatulas - Paul Reubens is My Dad - Live
Hey thanks a lot man! I wasn't sure if the TTers would dig it. I mean I myself have been listening more to reggae and various types of world music (like shamanic healing stuff!) than anything else these days. But I grew up on the punk stuff, and still love doing it. Really glad you enjoyed.
I have been on this huge Jonathan Goldman healingsounds.com kick for a while. His understanding of certain tones and frequencies and their purposeful effects are amazing. Also just ordered a handful of CD's from Beverly Wilson's Mt. Shasta website featuring her crystal toning bowls. She is another amazing master.
other than that, there is not much I don't like. If the music is honest I'm touched. It is a language that the angels use, so.....
Love/Light, Chris
Excellent stuff! Thanks for sharing. I may have to order some of those myself. Are you familiar with Anugama at all?
I will check him out!!!!
Anugama - mp3 hits download full albums in mp3 - Environment 1, Shamanic Dream, Vol. 2, Tantra New Edition
Shamanic Dream.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)
Shamanic Journey.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)
Open Sky Music is... Anugama Shamanic Dream CDs, New Age Music, Relaxation, Meditation, Yoga, Reiki
and the sample selections of The Lightness of Being album sound great for drifting away....
The Lightness of Being – Anugama – Listen free and discover music at Last.fm
as well as Shamanic Dream II, wonder-full!!!!
thanks for the tip brotha!!!
Love/Light, Chris
p.s. here is the CD music page from healingsounds.com
my favs are ChakraDance, Ultimate Om, Medicine Buddha (especially the last selection), the Lost Chord and Holy Harmony. I mention these because they are a blast to just listen to and drift off in meditation, or read while listening without disturbing concentration during reading....
Cool thanks a lot! Yeah I have shamanic dream i and ii. i actually played them as a kind of musical guide for an entheogenic spirit journey i recently went on.... it was amazing to say the least!
Hey Prattley....great job...neat song....who's your songwriter in the band?
Kepp up the good work....you guys R O C K !!!!!
Hey Lefty,
Thanks for the kind words. The singer and I (I'm the drummer) are kind of the "core" of the band and we do most of the songwriting together.
Much Love