New Paradigm

These videos are the best explanation of politics & money I've seen

This stuff kind of fits in with Berry's recent post from Adrian Salbuchi but I was so impressed with these videos I wanted to post them seperately, rather then as a response to the Salbuchi stuff. I was totally blown away by this video, interpretation of the film The Matrix.



What Our Virtual Town Has Given Me

The last several years have been an extraordinary time in my life. Some events and some of the people I've met have been simply amazing. And it's been accelerating for at least the last two years. I was finding my footing by the time I found the Transformation Course, and don't think it's any coincidence that it came into my life when it did.

Be Natural, Be Healthy, Save Money

The conversation about dentistry led to me thinking about how we really need to divorce ourselves from the health-care system and its jungle of bureaucrats and voodoo medicine. For those who've run to the doctor for everything from colds to serious disease and injury, it's a frightening, almost unimaginable idea. For those who are poor or have no insurance, it's a fact of life.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"