Powerful Realizations on Life and the Other Side of the Veil
Hey beautiful Gathering Spot friends,
Hey beautiful Gathering Spot friends,
Hey beautiful friends,
At the end of every year I write a summary of my experiences for the year. I thought I'd share with you some of the powerful inspirations I had from 2009 here. I continue to find rich inspiration coming into my life in many ways - Bikram yoga, dreams, running, reading, meditation, and most especially from sacred medicine journeys. The insights and inspirations I receive continue to feed me spiritually and take me ever deeper into the divine mystery of life.
Hey beautiful friends!
I am very thankful to have you in my life. I'm very grateful to have others here who are aware of the expanded realities in which we live and dance, including the realms of both shadow and light. Thank you for the ways you bring transformation to our world.
Below is a collection of many of the wonderfully inspiring realizations that either came to me or I heard from others throughout the year of 2007.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"