Fred Burks on Project Avalon
In case you missed it, here's a recent interview that Fred gave to Project Avalon.
In case you missed it, here's a recent interview that Fred gave to Project Avalon.
I think what has disappointed me most about the now-venerable and hoary thread on sex that's been so prominent lately is that it veers so totally away from what is actually a very important topic, at least to me - the absolutely sacred aspect of sex. I've tried now and then, with limited success, to frame it in mere words.
Criminy. Here it is, going on three in the morning, and I can't leave well enough alone? I have to bring up sex again? Well, yeah. I do think it's an important topic...I'm hoping to look at it in a slightly less personal way.
We breathe Sacred Love. We celebrate Sacred Sexuality. We roar with Sacred Laughter (if we don't, we should). We all know of sacred architecture, sacred art, sacred music, sacred ground. Today I was joyfully roadsurfing in the rain in lousy traffic, and it came to me as I artfully avoided being run off the road by an eighteen-wheeler, I was engaged in Sacred Driving.
Good morning. I'm still vibrating from yesterday's chat about the Wingmakers, and the invitation to follow-up with some of the thoughts I had about the artwork at the WM site has had me musing about the principle of the Sacred Feminine and what it means for those of us who embody the Sacred Masculine principle. Obviously the ideal is integration and unity, and I'd agree that most men could
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