Guy Stuff, Women Welcome
I'm trying to find ways to co-create our new paradigms here. I'm trying to take what I have learned, and put it into practice. Yes, I am a human BEING...but see, I'm still practicing.
I'm trying to find ways to co-create our new paradigms here. I'm trying to take what I have learned, and put it into practice. Yes, I am a human BEING...but see, I'm still practicing.
Good morning. I'm still vibrating from yesterday's chat about the Wingmakers, and the invitation to follow-up with some of the thoughts I had about the artwork at the WM site has had me musing about the principle of the Sacred Feminine and what it means for those of us who embody the Sacred Masculine principle. Obviously the ideal is integration and unity, and I'd agree that most men could
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"