
Cynthia McKinney and Robert David Steel uniting in an effort to save this country

Project: How to Fix the World

It's been a while since I have been on the Gspot, but I have continued my research and I came across this project. I have to say, people are amazing, especially when they work together!!!  There was a call to the public for solutions to the problems that have manifested, they have compiled all the submissions in one place. It's pretty interesting and comprehensive. And this is just the beginning.  :) (link is external)

John Perkins Talk

Hi.  I wanted to talk a bit about a recent lecture I went to at the local university.  John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" among other books came to State University of New York at New Paltz a week or so back.  He was hosted by the economics club, so stuck with the political / financial topics, but also talked from the viewpoint of his second lifetime as indigenous shaman.

The Gathering Spot is a PEERS (link is external) empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"