Anthony Peake
There's also a recent Red Ice Radio interview
There's also a recent Red Ice Radio interview
Hi All-
I found a great website -blog and podcast series all about out-of-body experiences and spiritual development.
Last night, out of frustration with my struggles with tobacco and alcohol (And general attachment to desire), I decided to use some transdimensional plants as a "kick in the pants".
After having profound experiences in shamanic journeying, I've been experimenting with astral projection and lucid dreaming with varying amounts of success. There have been various concepts regarding the "reality" of the dream state, the idea that the physical universe as we know it is actually a dream, and that while dreaming we enter the astral plane.
Shortly after my first OBE I have had another life changing experience happen to me. This time I did not really go "out" of my body, but instead went into the depths beyond.
When I was seventeen, I had an interesting experience happen to me.
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"