The Green Beautiful - Spiritual Movie

This is one of my favorite spiritual movies.  (It's also a comedy.)

La Belle Verte (in French with English subtitles).  Catch a glimpse of Utopia!

You can watch all 9 parts on YouTube: (link is external)

Enjoy it with someone you love!


Wendy's picture

Thanks Noa, that was delightful. Here's the link for english subtitles: (link is external)



Noa's picture

Both links above have English subtitles.



perakee's picture

Thank you, Noa, for such a wonderful movie. It really hit the spot after a long, tiring day:)

lightwins's picture

we loved it. LOL. Both delightful and meaningful. Thanks, Noa.


onesong's picture

it's taken me a few days to get to actually watch the movie, but thank you Noa. I was not aware of it before, and it was simply lovely.

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"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"