New Earth
September Equinox Astrological Report--- Tom Leschner
All Aboard? Last Call to Love!
All Aboard? Last Call to Love!
Visions from Home: Intenders Circle
StarGate opening within and over the Gulf of Aden--
Response of Light
Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Earth Movements, Disclosure, New Earth
Update: Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

December 5th World Meditation.
A Global Mass Meditation December 5, 2009 1111 days until the end of Mayan Calendar. If you have time join this action.
Nursing Moses: Moms step in after infant's mother dies
11/29 is the Second Half of 11/11/09 ---12:12 The Parting of Worlds by Lauren C. Gorgo
12:12 The Parting of Worlds
by Lauren C. Gorgo
Settling into our New Grooves
The Gathering Spot is a PEERS empowerment website
"Dedicated to the greatest good of all who share our beautiful world"