The last several years have been an extraordinary time in my life. Some events and some of the people I've met have been simply amazing. And it's been accelerating for at least the last two years. I was finding my footing by the time I found the Transformation Course, and don't think it's any coincidence that it came into my life when it did. When the student is ready, the teacher comes.
I've mentioned before that when I was much younger, a series of teachers sought me out and I learned from psychics, a bruja, mediums, some of whom were very advanced souls. I knew Edward Peach, otherwise known as Ariel. Then I spent the bulk of my adult life with most of that training on the shelf while I lived a typical American life with houses, businesses and jobs, and raising children. How all that ended is irrelevant right now, the point being that almost forty years later, that knowledge is suddenly very relevant and useful. And the focus I've gained here comes from both that background and the amazing people I have come to know in this cyber-town.
NOW I know what all that schooling was about. So what does it make me? Well, it has to make me some kind of a teacher or a channel, right? It places before me the challenge as well of dissolving my own ego, for none of this is mine. I've spoken of finding the tools here for our personal missions. I already had some of the tools, and I know we all do. But here at the portal I've found the intellectual soup that brings it all into focus. I thank you all for who you are, and especially Fred who laid the path that led me here. No, it isn't all perfect. Big surprise. But it is amazing.
I do want to find way, over time, to honor so many of you who have shown me so much. I have so much to learn. Those of you who speak of channeling and of galactic beings have concepts that are radically new to me - that is, I never took them seriously before I heard your voices. Those of you who speak of motivation and abundance, I may actually be able, with your guidance, of overcoming my love of poverty. Which is to say, I could do more if I had greater resources. You are my friends my teachers, my brothers and sisters, and in the greater sense we're all one.
This is a normal town of normal people - and I mean that seriously. The traditional human consciousness is essentially insane and dysfunctional, and we've at least begun the process of stepping outside that. We're learning to release our egos and live outside our legends. To me, that makes us the normal ones. There is pain among us and there are fears. There is anger, too. We must acknowledge these, especially when we ourselves have had a hand in their manifestation. But there is so much good. This is life's bookstore. There are shelves for everything, and there are sofas and chairs where folks can read and talk.
I've been posting quite a bit lately and so many of you have said kind things in response. It's starting to embarrass me, so don't do it. The love that flows through our expanded awareness is something I wish to see overtake us in our daily affairs, all the time. You ask the purpose of the Team? That energy, that love goes somewhere. It doesn't just dissipate. It flows outward into the Mother Field and has unforeseen effects. That, and the opportunities for learning and growth (discernment is always called for in all quests); and the interactions of so many wonderful minds, is incredibly exciting to me. Being here with you folks and getting to know you all is one of the most amazing things that's ever happened to me.
I like to think of it as me favorite neighborhood Pub! Hows about we call it,
I'll be in the back playin' pool, shootin' darts, or just shootin' the breeze with me mates, but always with a pint of yer finest ale, ire....
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How apropo. I have been thinking how new age organizations are so involved with "make yourself rich" philosophies. There has been a whole movement to overlook the idea of service to others and encouraging service to self, ie how can I get rich, super abundance in my life, etc.
Dave and Riversong, I am thrilled that this discussion has come up just at this time. I wrote to Ursula today and I am going to quote something I wrote to her regarding just this thought. I have asked her forgiveness for quoting a private communication but it has nothing personal in it.
I quote:
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Long life to you my friend.
The bow and arrow picture reminded me of the "middle way " of Buddhism.
"Buddha says, to be worldly is to be worldly, and to be otherworldly is also to be worldly; to worship money is to be mad, to be against money is to be mad; to seek power is foolish, to escape from it is foolish.
"Just to be in the middle is what wisdom is all about... "That is the Buddhist message: To be total in action is to be free of action. Karma is created because you are not totally in your acts. If you are totally in an action, it leaves no trace... "If you continue doing things totally, one day you suddenly find there is no-mind. Mind is the accumulated past of all incomplete actions. "Be total and you will be free." Osho on Vajrayana
Thank you Dave, for this and your other beautiful recent postings. I am thrilled that we are finding ways here to support and empower each other in meaningful ways. I focus my love out to each and every one of you. With infinite love and gratitude, Fred
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Riversong, you said you're not convinced our good energy does anything but dissipate. Well....maybe you're right. Maybe it just melds with the Mother Field, the way every creek finds the sea. The water does a lot of good while getting there does it not? Along its banks grow beautiful plants. I've counted over 50 kinds of birds along our creek. In the water live entire worlds of tiny creatures. I think an analogy with love is valid. And with regard to sending energy, perhaps if it's lost to me like a bucket poured into the creek, it goes somewhere and is not lost. My questions regarding sending energy aren't that nothing happens when we try to do it, but whether we can learn to actually accomplish our intent. The parallel is to magic and even godlike powers which are perhaps not appropriate for everyone at this time.
My comment on poverty got several responses. I wasn't as accurate as I could have been: it isn't that I love poverty, but I seem to be addicted to it. I have a deep mistrust of the processes that move money from wherever it is to my pocket. To fully lay out and examine this personal quirk here would take up a lot of space...suffice it to say that I am conscious of continual and wonderful abundance in my life. Money has very little to do with it. Money is a genuine struggle, a daily, monthly, yearly grind. But that's just a tiny part of our lives together. We have books, knowledge, friends. We have love and more love. We never go seriously hungry. I am in total agreement with Riversong who said I have all the resources I need. This is why I don't spend more time focused on money issues.
I so resonate with everything Tricia posted above!!!! As I was reading it I could see the Buddhist monk sitting in that serene moment that allows all that is temporal and in flux to blow by like a summer breeze and take absolutely no position on any of it. That is his/her strength - to not be drained by that which is utterly not real, but simply stimuli in flux heading toward a moment like when the light disappears on the fireworks display. Thank you Tricia for that very welcome image of peace and serenity in the face of what we are so tempted to view as disturbing or wrong or not nice or bad or good or.........
Reading the posts reminded me of a very comforting truth that no one can deny - All that is real was already real before any of us ever consciously decided what we believe real is. I absolutely "love" the "checkmate" move on the ego that provides.....
In Love, Light and Eternal Appreciation for those who sit and do nothing as well as the Buddhist monk does.
P.S. John Perkins, author of "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" and "Secret History of the American Empire" also has a very long, ongoing history/relationship with some South American Shamans, as well as some Buddhist monks in Tibet. One of his stories is about a time in Tibet when he was asking if he could speak to some of the monks and the guide said, "There up "there" melting snow!" These monks were up at 14,000 feet meditating, raising their body temperature and melting the snow! Aside from the fact that this is, in and of itself, amazing, there is something else to consider: If they are raising their body temps, they would need extra energy from somewhere. Where is that coming from? Are they an interesting example of free energy utilization. Made my head spin with delight!!!!
Chris (aka Chakramon)
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You said, "I'm glad that I have never known such monks"
How do know for sure these are not the same monks? Don't the monks you speak of meditate to remain centered on what gives them the strength to be fully engaged at times of their choosing? And even if they are such monks you say you are glad to have never met, what does that say about simple acceptance of your brother (monk) in the Law of One?
There will come a time when you will recognize your brother for who he is, not what you "think" he should be.
That is Ego 101 in Eckhart Tolle's very erudite book, "A New Earth"
In Love, Light and Joy for all that is Unassailable in this 3D world in flux,
Without focus, energy is dissipated. With the focus of clear and powerful intent, the energy is concentrated like a laser and will have a much greater effect.
Your clarification makes me think we weren't disagreed before, simply looking at different sides of the question. You'd agree that the energy that is dissipated is not actually destroyed? Because of course, what you say above is correctly stated.
Religion has value only insofar as it helps us understand the big picture...
How true. And if it continued in that vein it'd be of more value. The thing that makes religion a bother - organized religion, anyway - is that it's constantly trying to define TBP in its own terms. Thus obscuring the very thing it purports to reveal.
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Riversong, you ended your post with,
"Thank you for letting me know what I will recognize once I become as enlightened as you"
You have to know that is right out of the ego play book don't you? You know, like "I know you are, but what am I?" When does one of us say, "Infinity!". In any case, it gave me a good and refreshing laugh and made my day. I am so glad to be able to recognize that stuff so much better now! I have Eckhart Tolle (among so many other wonderful teachers) to thank for that, and I highly recommend his book, "A New Earth" to you dear brother (who can never stop being my brother!).
As for the discrimination angle - yes, much of what we do and choose to do requires adept and sound discrimination, but that does not discount in any way the Buddhist teaching of those meditative moments of taking "no position" and clearing the heart and mind of all discrimination. You are not your thoughts - your mind is a useful tool, not you! You already are prior to your first conscious-cognitive thought! The Zen Buddhist knows this and cooperates with this reality while coping with and challenging at times, an illusive 3D world in flux. Also helps keep the pesky ego in check and out of the captain's chair.
Dear Riversong, We are trying to share our thoughts as loving neighbors.......I feel shoving and unacceptence of different outlooks from you.......you can privately communicate your input .......and leave space for other opinions.
Remember you said God loves us anyway. With honest thought and love of unity, Mary
This goes for all of us.......can we play nice,have fun, and listen to each other? Let's make this a great place to be....
Even unheard voices have something to say Told you I was pesky!
I thought that was a private note......so I had to add more......No attack of anyone,just reminder this is a place we came to for a new way of interacting with each other. Would love it to BE THE DREAM.....
with SO MUCH LOVE...and so little computer and typing skills.........your loving neighbor, Mary
Long life to you my friend.
Allow me the honor of recounting a story in Sharon Salzberg's words:
"Ashoka was an emperor in northern India about two hundred and fifty years after the time of the Buddha. In the early years of his reign, this powerful emperor was bloodthirsty and greedy for the expansion of his empire. He was also a very unhappy man. One day, after a particularly terrible battle that he had launched in order to aquire more territory, he walked on the battlefield amid the appalling spectacle of corpses of men and animals strewn everywhere, already rotting in the sun and being devoured by carrion-eating birds. Ashoka was aghast at the carnage he had caused.
"Just then a Buddhist monk came walking across the battlefield. The monk did not say a word, but his being was radiant with peace and happiness. Seeing the monk, Ashoka thought, "Why is it that I, having everything in the world, feel so miserable? Whereas this monk has nothing in the world apart from the robes he wears and the bowl he carries, yet he looks so serene and happy in this terrible place."
"Ashoka made a monumentous decision on that battlefield. He pursued the monk and asked him, "Are you happy? If so, how did this come to be?" In response, the monk who had nothing introduced the emperor who had everything to the Buddha's teachings. As a consequence of this chance encounter, Ashoka devoted himself to the practice and study of Buddhism and changed the entire nature of his reign. He stopped waging imperialistic wars. He longer allowed people to go hungry. He transformed himself from a tyrant into one of history's most respected rulers, acclaimed for thousands of years as just and benevolent.
"Ashoka's own son and daughter carried Buddhism from India to Sri Lanka. The teachings took root there and from India and Sri Lanka spread to Burma and Thailand and throughout the world. Our access to these teachings today, so many centuries and cultural transitions later, is a direct result of Ashoka's transformation. The radiance of that one Buddhist monk is still affecting the world today. One person's serenity changed the course of history, and delivered to us the Buddhist path to happiness."
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
With calm abiding,
Don't give it another thought MaryC! Your words are erudite and well-received, and your heart's beautiful intent comes through loud and lovingly clear....
just trying to say there are so many ways......like snowflakes.........look alike, but all unique, but there are many melting looking for a moment to speak............With wet anticipation Love Mary
Right ON! Speak up when the spirit moves you...
the real trick is discerning between moving from a tight stomach impulse
or a blossoming flower with snowflakes gently resting on the peddles....
Not that difficult when we just pay attention to love, huh sis?
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You said,
"Can I belong here the times when my experiences are so unlike yours they sound like a different world?"
Who's to say that isn't the time we (in the Law of One) need you the most?
Loving the way you think Stefa,
With love I pray that each of us not stay away. By feeling unseen, unheard uncared for...... I think that is a value all can share....by speaking we share our transformational journey towards THE SHIFT. love, Mary
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I have been feeling friction in this thread!. Is there any reason that we all as unique manifestations of The One Infinite Creator should feel that what we individually experience as truth should deny one anothers truth?
Chris, you, as the preeminent scholar of the Law Of One among us, should first of all accept that each mind/body/spirit complex has an entirely different balance of energies, and view their catalysts from their own perspective and potential of energy within their Space/time distortion? Think of the potential of Love/Light exhibited in each entity. I am my friend talking to you in the language of Ra. Read me carefully.
Riversong, I honor your particular perspective and understand your personal objection to the hierarchy of any religeous organization. Don't my friend and brother, throw the baby out with the bath water. We have been given over and over again through all of those wonderful messangers of our Creator gems of shining truth which you without doubt have absorbed into you belief system. As should be! The important thing is to remember what all of those messages attempted to tell us is that there are many, many pathways to the One Truth of our one infinite Creator.
Stef, your spirit shines like a bright star among us. Your innocent seeking brightens each of us with love and admiration for a heart that is stretching out for more and more of what we are all here for and that is to know the truth which ever dwells within each of us as our Higher Self which is that portion of us which is the expression of God within us. Never, never, feel that you are rejected from a discussion because it is beyond you. Remember in school, that the wise teacher told you that there is no such thing as a dumb question. Please, Please ask when you are not knowing what is going on. Someone will always give you direction and guidance to knowing. Again that is what this whole Portal is about.
I have said what I wanted to say, and I have said it with Unconditional love for all of you. We are a family. Blessing to all my brothers and sisters in the love and light of our one infinite Creator,
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You each add a wonderful note to every discussion. Berry, you often challenge me by verbalizing ideas in such a way that I can't avoid thinking about them. Bravo.
...each mind/body/spirit complex has an entirely different balance of energies, and view their catalysts from their own perspective...
That's a gem. Well said.
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Thank you for adding your healing touch to what drew your heart to do so.
You graciously said, "Chris, you, as the preeminent scholar of the Law Of One among us".
I do not accept that because I haven't even read those PDF's you sent me yet. I am simply a very excited seeker who has gotten a glimpse, like so many have lately, as if we were being guided. Am looking forward to getting in to them and we probably should post them somewhere, so I guess here is as good a place as any, and we can always post them in other forums as the spirit moves so to speak... I so appreciate knowing you dear brother!
Resonating with you and your bowl Triciascapes!!!!!
Is such a pleasure reading your posts! Always feels like looking at beautiful art while reading something wonderful!
Dear brother Chris,
I merely intimated that you have an intuitive and driving love for the Law of One which seems to have become, marvelously, your prime motive to shape your being. Bravo, my friend.
For those of you with the fortitude to immerse yourselves into this study of the Law of One, please don't think that it is going to be a quick and simple thing to comprehend. Yes the primary principles are simple but the books cover soooo very much that it will take several reading and contemplations to realize the simplicity at it's base. There is also a lot of information to clarify it on a number of sites the best one so far that I have found being DivineCosmos.com .
I know that there will be the objection that if it is too difficult to understand then it is not something that is worth or contains sufficient Truth to get into. Contrast it to the sacred writting of Judeo-Christian scriptures, Buddhist scriptures, Hindu scriptures or the Tao and the I Ching and it is so much more free of mystic parables and symbolism. It is straight forward. And I encourage you to start studying it. It is about Now and now. And it is about realizing the Oneness that we all are.
For Chris and those other who are fasicnated with Sacred Geometry, look at the Book III, Sessions 56 and 57 dealing with pyramids and their purpose and design. And for those who are interested in Crystal therapy read Session57 starting with page 40 and going on for a couple of pages and into the next session.
There is something for everyone here and the main something is the key to ascention, not what everyone on the channeling circuit is proposing to be sure.
In the love and light of our one infinite Creator,
Looking forward to diving in dear brother!
Love, Chris
Hello Community!
First I would say, thank you Dave for your joyful embrace of this growing creation of ours, the discussion is vibrant and alive and never dull.
Conflict is an old paradigm concept that is deeply ingrained in our conditioning. It is the manifestation of a belief in separation or otherness. This is a simple misconception that is tied to giving credence only to what can be seen, heard, felt, etc. The world only pays attention to the play of the senses, and ignores the unseen realms, even thought they are much vaster than anyone can imagine.
We live in a sea of unlimited levels of frequency and vibration, this world is only one channel on the dial.
When we take a stand for or against something, we create immediately a side or position that must be defended to survive. We suddenly find ourselves in battle, when a moment ago we were residing in peaceful conversation. In truth, you are always fighting with yourself, the war is internal and out-pictures into the world when we do not take responsibility for retaining secrets and practicing "otherness" in our selves. We say we are for peace, but go home and complain about the cap missing from the toothpaste, or some other nonsense. It is in our daily simplicity, the small conversations, the words that slip from our lips, that our mental habits are exposed.
It is a habitual stream of thought that passes by and we grab it and hold on to it and think it is "ME". Better to have no idea at all and allow the Truth to reveal itself moment by moment.
"The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.
When love and hate are both absent, everything becomes clear and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart."
-from verses on Faith-Mind, by Sozan, the 3rd Zen Patriarch
"Change in life is sweet." - Aristotle
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Well said SuZen. Reminds me of what Helen said in Course in Miracles:
Trading bad illusions for good ones, and then finally, good ones for none...
Loving the comments and missing my sparring partner, Riversong...
What you have quoted sounds so very much like what Eckhart Tolle concluded in A New Earth. Thank you from my heart for the reminder.
Love and Light,
No matter how it unfolds, every interaction, every conversation is a door to learn more about Self. So even our conflicts are grist for our personal mills. Some of us get ground soooo fine......
"Change in life is sweet." - Aristotle
Ooooohhhh YUMMIE!!!
Hand me another bowl of that delicious grist please, and could you pass the salt and pepper?
I had a wonderful vision of Riversong this morning. It involves him smiling so big you can hardly recognize him, and then both of us diving into a belly laughter that has both of us and everybody laughing so hard we're curled up on the ground crying.
Sore stomach muscles anyone? I hope Riversong finds his way back here to be with us because he really is a bounty of good information, but if he does not, he has given us (along with some very good info) the opportunity to be shaken and find out what needs a kick in the ass within our little bitch selves, hahahaaha. For a slight moment I wondered if he might be some kind of cointelpro agent provocateur, but when you read some of his beautiful posts when he is corresponding with Stefa and others, he is magnificent in every way. Cointelpro agents are too stupid to pull that off. I can't help it, I miss him, but he has not really gone anywhere. He is with us in spirit and truth, and he is an absolute perfect kick in the pants...
Love, Chris
Is conflict always bad? Is peace always good? I have learned so much from the conflicts in my life. I have a deep belief that avoidance of constructive conflict is what has led to much of the drama in our world today. When we suppress or deny our own more challenging emotions, I suspect they migrate to the unconscious and fester there. When entire groups of people do this, this collective denial can show up as rape, murder, and even war.
When I see someone about to rape or murder someone else, I will take a stand, step in and do my very best to stop the violence. Stepping in to confront and stop violence to me is a form of constructive conflict. I view things not in terms of peace vs. conflict, but rather what is loving and empowering to us all and what causes separation and disempowerment. I do my best to stop disempowering and violent conflict. Yet constructive conflict is one of the key things which has made my life so rich.
I do not strongly identify with the peace movement, largely because so many there seem to want to make those who cause war bad and wrong. I, too, very much look forward to the day when war is no longer necessary, yet I believe that it is the collective suppression of our shadow side which has caused some leaders to advocate for war.
When we join in seeing the divine in all beings, even those who cause war, then we can powerfully invite all to let go of the need for violence and disempowering conflict and instead welcome constructive conflict which leads to personal and spiritual growth. I will do my best to stop war and violence, yet what I want is not just peace, but a wonderful mixture of times of peace and serenity and times of rich, constructive conflict.
I am learning ever more to enjoy the dance with my shadow. Since accepting it as a friend, it has become a powerful teacher in my life, bringing me a rich abundance of love and connection in many areas of my life. I am very blessed to have an abundance of both peace and constructive conflict in my life and pray for lots more. Thanks for joining in this engaging dialog.
With lots of love and an invitation to disagree from a place of love,
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As I hear your strong desire for your views of Peace to be understood, go ahead and breath unassailable confidence in and be aware of how true Peace already is in you and in the sacred design of all that truly is already before any of us had a viewpoint. Peace needs no defense from any of us. Be that Peace. You already are that, so just love Being it and let your understanding that touches you so dearly be your inner strength as we enter this time of probable conflict. Things are speeding up now and you will need that beautiful calm gentle strength that fills your heart to be at rest in you while hell swirls around your perception. Keep Being since you already are!!!! I just want you to hear someone affirm what you recognize so deeply within. Let it be your strength.... It needs absolutely no defense, for it is by no means weak. Not now - not ever!
Love you dearly sis,
Here is an email I received from Rob (rovin) and my reply to him. We both agreed that it was worth sharing with the group.
Hi Chris, great to hear from you, I was worried about you. One of
the issues I have is that my ego likes to see me as a defender of
truth and light, fighting the good fight...trouble is, love and
truth and light do not need defending. Also, if I believe, as I
do, that everything is divinely perfect in each moment and that
karmic interplay is working itself out then it is only my ego
that would think it knows how to solve a problem outside of the
scope of myself. Because I don't take the time to go inside enough I get paralysed by these beliefs. My less then courageous decision was to check out, mainly because I've got so much going on here at the moment I can't afford to be drained by all of this, yet I find myself
feeling so much affection for so many of you that I don't really
want to go but if you're going to stay around then I might as well do the same, although I think I'm going to reinvent myself in the
portal as this whole flare up has challanged me to really step
into the light and out of my ego shell as Rovin, Rovins gone! I
hope that doesn't sound like a personality disorder. I really
value your love and energy in the portal, along with Fred Andrey
Berry and others but I'm determined if I come back not to get stuck in any game playing. Anyway...love and light to you
and talk soon, as one, Rob.
Wonderfully said, mate. I could have said all that myself because every word of it is already in my heart and mind, just like you put it. I can still get sucked into a game of stinkmop once in a while
because, like you, I have a very hard time standing by watching people get run down. In spite of all that ego banter that rolls through my mind at times like the winds that come from a brush fire, I am still absolutely positive that we exist in a sacred matrix that is utterly unassailable and, like you, I will
spend the rest of my 3D physical existence knowing that while I try
to keep the ego off the soap box and out of the soap opera of
nothingness/insanity banter. I already have my elder heroes on the
portal like Berry and so many others. They are so good for us because we get to be
inspired by them as we journey with all of "US" toward the goal of
simply recognizing our true Selves in Ourselves and Others. I
absolutely love the Divine Contest and I am in it for the duration
because, like what's his name in "Officer and a Gentleman" said,
"Because I've got no place else ta go!!".
IRiversong is our dear brother - there is no getting away from that, or around that, and I would never want to. Our choice is always between truth and insanity,
and I have spent more than enough time in insanity at the expense
of not experiencing all the wonderful reality that is recognized
when I quell my ego and turn around to see all that is really
real and there. More fun than any amusement park is how I like to put it.
Let's make a pact with one another. I was also tempted to bag it for a brief moment because I don't need this soap opera grief any more than you or
anybody else on the TT portal does, but I don't want to be sent back a grade every time this oh so common shit goes down this way in life. Besides, Riversong
is one of my success stories (in a way) because his and my banter became so absurd
that I began to feel liberated from the old ways of defensiveness
and sense of rejection and began to laugh. It is starting to click after so many times of this nonsense getting the best of me. Lets win this one this time!!! I look forward to a moment when Riversong and I are
looking at each other face to face and we both just break out in
these huge grins, and then break into belly laughter until we are
laughing so hard we are crying. I can already see it, therefore
this is already a fact just waiting for experiencial
confirmation. Please join me in that vision as we maintain our presence on the TT portal. I think all of this falls in
line with the same four stage paradigm that Scott Peck realizes at
every one of his community-building weekend retreats. Pseudo-
community, real conflict, then depression and emptiness, and finally, real community and forgiveness where people that were arguing yesterday
are hugging, forgiving and really free to share in a safe place created by the whole human/divine process. If we keep bailing when
it gets a little problematic (seems like such a waste of our time)
we will continue to be sent back a grade, time after time, by gracious karma that
would have us go over and over it again and again until we are free of our own personal bullshit that is basically the same as the next
guys/gals bullshit.
I'd have to call that a very precious and trustworthy Love from the
One! Love you and your wonderful heart and mind dear brother....
Let's ride this one out - we really don't have any other choice in
the long run, and we all can always take little breaks from the portal by
telling our adopted family/community that we wont be on for a
couple of days or weeks due to whatever (see you when I get back). I have to
believe we owe the One that much because we owe it to ourselves.
Love, Chris
Thank you both, Rovin and Chris for your openess.
I felt myself retreating to safe ground, remain active but blunted...stay out of the heat. That just doesn't seem to work for me and a little sneaker antagonism "escaped" and I found myself awake and accountable for it.
So, much for that tactic. I'm so happy you two decided to move with the movement of this community. It helps me to approach controversy with more courage.
Love you guyzz,
Thank you so much for posting a perfect confirmation of Rob and my's exact intent for sharing that. Neither one of us (which I would imagine goes same for the vast majority of us) would want to see this wonderful community be broken and/or distracted by something as petty as a little ego banter that adds up to little more than a personal challenge to each of us. We all are better than that. My final concern in all of this ended up being a concern for any and all newbies coming on board after faithfully completing 21 lessons, only to find a brawl in progress that could appear as a betrayal of the lessons they had just completed. Less than inspirational to say the least.
Again, thank U Tricia for your excellent presence and insight you "Am" that inspires us all!!!!
Love of One, Chris
Hi, Riversong,
I have to stand up and and lovingly disagree with you here. Maybe I just don't understand what you're trying to say, but only in the Cupid myth do I see any correlation between love and arrows.
As we allow love to flow more freely through us, we create a loving field that brightens and clears our consciousness. It doesn't seem to matter who or what we love, when we generate the experience of unconditional love in our lives, it makes our world more loving. Yes, like the river, it is the journey that counts, not some result-oriented destination.
Isn't it a terrible waste that fresh river water flows out into the ocean and becomes salty and "useless"? Isn't that just "dissipation" of perfectly good water? No, because that is just part of the picture. The water then returns to the air, falls again as rain, and once again flows downstream to the ocean. In the whole cycle, nothing is wasted. Likewise, all the love we send out into the universe colors the universe in a way that means the energy returns to us multiplied. There can be no "wasted" love because everything eventually returns to the source.